The Mission Has Strengthened Us
October 2018

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The Mission Has Strengthened Us

Bidding Adieu to Wonderful India

Elder Smith: I did not know about India before we landed here. It is really amazing to know that all people, irrespective of they being Church members or not, do love this country. This is really a colorful country. Everything happening seems to be family-oriented. Old people are being taken good care of. The announcement of a temple for India is an amazing thing. The leaders in the Church care for all the members, and all members have special love for the Savior and the Book of Mormon. One thing if we are to take home, that would be your love, care, and appreciation.

Sister Smith: I love being a mother of 6 children and 24 grandchildren. As I leave India, I pray for the people in India to be unified. It is beautiful that your prayers for temple have been answered.
