Church History in December
December 2018

Church History Column

Church History in December

December can be a busy time of the year. Families often gather for celebrations and workers often take time off from their employment. In some parts of the world it can be cold and snowy; in other places it can be warm and balmy. During the month of December, businesses might see an increase in activity while others may slow down. Children as well as adults often have great anticipation and excitement as the Christmas holiday approaches.

The month of December has also been a busy month in the history of the Church. Just what significant events have taken place in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during this month? You may be familiar with some of these historical events; others may be new to you.

  • 23 December 1805: Joseph Smith was born in Sharon, Vermont, USA, to Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith.

  • December 1838: The Prophet Joseph Smith and others were imprisoned in Liberty Jail, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, USA.

  • 10 December 1845: Men and women began administering temple ordinances in the dedicated temple rooms of the Nauvoo Temple, even before the construction had been completed.

  • 27 December 1847: Church conference in Kanesville, Iowa, USA, sustained President Brigham Young, Elder Heber C. Kimball, and Elder Willard Richards as the First Presidency.

  • 9 December 1849: Sunday School was organized by Richard Ballantyne, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

  • 25 December 1884: Elijah Abel, one of the earliest African-American members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-­day Saints, passed away at the age of 74, just two weeks after returning from his third mission for the Church.

  • 25 December 1925: Elder Melvin J. Ballard dedicated South America for the preaching of the gospel in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • 30 December 1973: Spencer W. Kimball became President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-­day Saints.

  • 5 December 1978: Rendel and Rachel Mabey and Edwin and Janath Cannon, the first official missionaries to West Africa, arrived in Ghana. The first baptisms in Ghana were performed near Cape Coast on 9 December, with the Cape Coast Branch being organized the next day, 10 December.

  • 1 December 1990: The government of Ghana permitted Church activities to resume following the “Freeze.”

  • December 2012: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland created the first LDS stake in Sierra Leone in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

From the Africa West Church History Department, have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We hope each of you will have an increased desire to study the history of the Church and its pioneers and increase your appreciation of the sacrifices they have made for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
