Give With a Loving Heart
March 2019


Give With a Loving Heart

“What better time to serve one another than when hearts and minds are more open and receptive to acts of kindness—during this season when the Christian world celebrates Easter as the culmination of the Saviour’s ministry?”

I am a product of ministering from almost forty years ago. I had been baptized when I was nine years old, but my family had become less active during my twelfth year and so I drifted away. I started going to a different local church with my friend, who was my next-door neighbor. Over the next few years, life went on and after I married, I was contacted by my assigned Visiting Teachers. They called faithfully each month and over time set the foundation for Home Teachers to be assigned to our family. During those visits we never discussed the fact that I was not attending church; and my husband who knew very little about the Church and was not really interested in religion, didn’t feel pressured or uncomfortable accepting them into our home. We felt only genuine concern and friendship coming from them during their visits.

What struck us most was the kindness and joyful spirit that our Home and Visiting Teachers brought into our home. We developed a close relationship with one of our Home Teachers, who never ceased to offer his assistance when needed—inviting us into his home and in time, inviting me to a conference where Elder Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018), then of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, spoke.

During that conference it was as if Elder Monson knew what was in my heart and that he was speaking directly to me that day. I left with a strong desire to return to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to become once again a part of His fold. A few months later, after the missionary discussions, my son was baptized, and we started to attend Church.

At the recent April 2018 General Conference, principles of the new Ministering program were announced. It’s not just that we are now free to extend our nurturing or ministering efforts without the use of a restrictive handbook and a standardized message, but more importantly, to serve as true disciples of our Saviour, who innately knew how to succour and uplift His brethren and sisters.

As I look back through the years, I have seen so many examples of service around me and even as we recently moved for the umpteenth time, acts of kindness were there to smooth the way. This motivates me; as I know that if do not respond in kind, I will be pulling myself away from the light and love that I find from being actively involved in ministering to others.

“So, what does this have to do with Easter?” you ask as the season quickly approaches. Well, it has everything to do with it!

What better time to serve one another than when hearts and minds are more open and receptive to acts of kindness—during this season when the Christian world celebrates Easter as the culmination of the Saviour’s ministry?

In ministering we have a unique opportunity to learn empathy and to give with a loving heart, and in so doing we expand our capacity and talents. Plus, we become closer to the Saviour as we are prompted and guided to places and circumstances where we are needed. Over time, we become more like Him.

All the Saviour asks in return is that we come to him with a contrite spirit and thankful heart. A willingness to serve His children, our brothers and sisters, is our way of showing our love and appreciation for all that we have and is the true gift we can give this Easter and throughout the year.
