Miracles in Our Lives
March 2019


Miracles in Our Lives

Miracles happen. I see miracles all around me every day! I know it is a manifestation of God’s love for me, my family and all His children.

When I met my wife, Pamela, she was the only member of the Church in her family. When we decided to get married, something seemed an obstacle. I had no money to get all the items listed by her father as requirements for her bride price.

I was a graduate with no job. The little I made from odd jobs here and there was barely enough. I lived in my Father’s house at the time. Faced with these challenges, Pamela and I fasted and prayed to Heavenly Father for help. I knew the Lord through His prophets and apostles have counseled that “young people should follow the Lord’s pattern of marriage in the temple without waiting for the payment of a bride price” (Dallin H. Oaks, “The Gospel Culture, Ensign, March 2012, 45). But Pamela’s father was not a member of the Church and saw this practice as proper traditional rites for marriage. After counseling with the Bishop, I decided to make a move. I love Pamela and wanted to obey the Lord’s commandment to marry in the temple. But I did not want to do that without the consent of her parents.

After a difficult and trying period, with the help of other, I began to get offers to paint buildings. After three painting jobs, I gathered the little I had, called on my family and travelled to Pamela’s village. Still, things seemed difficult and the marriage seemed impossible. Despair, melancholy and anger almost took over my faith, but the encouraging words of the leaders and the scriptures kept me focused and continue to trust in the Lord.

We were married traditionally on 13 February, 2016, wedded on 2 April and Sealed in Aba Nigeria Temple on 5 April in the same year. It felt like a dream to us. The Lord raised people who offered to help us with one thing or the other. The Lord literally made it happen. That experience is etched in our memories as one the many of the Lord’s miracles in our lives, a manifestation of His tender mercies towards us.

We have been joyfully married for almost three years now in the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Passing through that experience and hearing the word of the Lord concerning bride price has made us realize that the Lord is not pleased with such practices. My wife and I have decided to obey the Lord. If He blesses us with daughters, we will not demand bride price nor anything similar to it during their marriage. We will give our consent and blessings and guide them to the temple to be sealed for time and eternity as the prophets has counseled. I see this commandment as a blessing to us in Africa. I have learnt that when we trust in the Lord and obey His commandments, He would flood miracles into our individual and family lives.
