“Fear Not, I Am with Thee”
June 2019

“Fear Not, I Am with Thee,” Liahona, June 2019

The Last Word

“Fear Not, I Am with Thee”

From a devotional given at Brigham Young University–Hawaii on December 15, 2012.

Elder David A Bednar infographic

A famous military leader once stated emphatically: “Never take counsel [from] your fears.”1

As we consider the things that are occurring all around us today, we might find many reasons to be afraid, to hesitate, and to wonder if things in our lives can indeed turn out the way we have long hoped.

Some of you may question or lack confidence in your own ability to succeed temporally and spiritually. Perhaps you wonder if the Lord’s promises of support and guidance—which you readily recognize and acknowledge in the lives of so many other people—will likewise be evident in your life. You may be uncertain about pursuing an opportunity because you cannot foresee all of the details about how things will work out, and thus you are reticent to start and take the first steps on that path. Or you may be so concerned about making a mistake that you fail to act in faith and press forward and thereby increase the likelihood of the very failure you fear.

To not take counsel from our fears simply means that we do not permit fear and uncertainty to determine our course in life, to affect negatively our attitudes and behavior, to influence improperly our important decisions, or to divert or distract us from all in this world that is virtuous, lovely, or of good report. To not take counsel from our fears means that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ overrules our fears and that we press forward with a steadfastness in Him. To not take counsel from our fears means that we trust in God’s guidance, assurance, and timing in our lives. I promise each of us can and will be blessed with direction, protection, and lasting joy as we learn to not take counsel from our fears.

As we exercise faith in Christ and trust in His promises, we can walk into the dark with the absolute assurance that our pathway will be illuminated—at least far enough to take the next step—and then the next step—and the next step.

Joseph Smith declared, “We have nothing to fear if we are faithful.”2

President Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018) counseled, “Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”3

As you face your future in faith, the Savior will go before your face, will be on your right hand and on your left, and His Spirit shall be in your hearts (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:88) in all of your righteous endeavors and throughout all the days of your life.


  1. In Mary Anna Jackson, Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson (1895), 264.

  2. The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, rev. ed. (2002), 338.

  3. Thomas S. Monson, “Be of Good Cheer,” April 2009 general conference.
