undefined undefined Youth
June 2019

“Youth,” Liahona, June 2019


Nathan O

At the school I go to right now, there are very few members. So it’s important to live my standards because it’s the only way for the gospel light to shine through me so that nonmembers can eventually find their way to the Church. Maybe not now, but one day they’ll remember there was this one strange boy who didn’t drink iced tea and coffee, who didn’t swear, and who was part of a church. Maybe someday my example will lead them to where they need to be.

It can be hard to be different, to stand out. It’s really easy to drop standards. My family’s example and prayer really keep me going throughout the day. Prayer reminds me to keep my standards.

Never doubt for a moment that what you are doing is not right. People are always trying to put you down for things that you don’t do. Maybe you won’t be cool. That’s totally fine. Your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ see you as cool for keeping the standards. You’ll realize eventually that what you’re doing now makes you happy. It really is that lasting joy that comes from keeping your standards. So keep going, keep living your standards!

Nathan O., Manila, Philippines