A Picture of the Atonement
February 2020

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A Picture of the Atonement

I am grateful for the opportunity I had to portray the Atonement of Jesus Christ by arranging the room for the visitors to feel the Spirit of Easter during an open house. I got this assignment a month before the event, which enabled me to ponder and pray for the guidance of the Spirit. I prepared myself by fasting, which allowed me to see a picture of my display in my dream.

I chose to use real objects since it could bring the exact picture of the Atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ. With the help of missionaries, young adults and other members, the work got started. We gathered the dry leaves, twigs, branches of the tree and other props. We were determined to give the right spirit to the room with good lighting.

It was the Spirit which guided everyone to feel such reverence. The visitors and members who visited on the day of open house were uplifted and filled with the light of Christ by seeing the room with more of gratitude and love for the Savior who died for us.

This experience makes me feel more closer to my Savior and helps me to understand the Atonement more clearly.
