How to Prepare a Sacrament Meeting Talk
April 2020

Improve Your Ability

How to Prepare a Sacrament Meeting Talk

Prepare your own talk instead of reading another person’s talk.

  • Use one or more scriptures.

  • Invite the Spirit as you prepare. Invite the spirit into your sacrament meeting by bearing testimony of what you believe to be true.

  • Think of a personal story that relates to the gospel principle you have been assigned to talk about. What did you learn from that experience? How did it help you?

  • Practice, practice, practice. Be sure your talk stays within the given time limit.

Preparation Tools

  • Narrow your topic.

  • Decide what you want the congregation to know, believe, feel and do.

  • Write your message.

  • Create an introduction and a conclusion.

Your talk is not about you.

  • You are bringing a gift.

  • You are getting up to answer a silent prayer about how a person can get closer to God.
