Hello from Germany!
June 2020

“Hello from Germany!” Liahona, June 2020

Hello from Germany!

Hello from Germany

Hi, we’re Margo and Paolo.

Join us as we visit Germany!

Germany, or Deutschland, is a country in central Europe. It has forests and rivers, mountains and beaches, and villages and big cities. Around 13 million children live in Germany.

Germany has about 20,000 castles. Many are hundreds of years old. This is a famous one called Neuschwanstein.

Sauerkraut, sausage, and Spätzle (noodles) are popular foods in Germany.

There are two temples in Germany. One is in Freiberg, and the other is in Frankfurt, where this boy is. The sign says, “Tempel der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage” (Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

Girls and boys enjoy participating in Primary.

Germany is famous for its Christmas markets. Families love to look at the beautiful lights and eat tasty treats!

Here’s what the Children’s Guidebook looks like in German. Children in Germany are using it to learn and grow. How are you using your guidebook where you live?

On the first day of primary school, each child gets a satchel (backpack), a pencil case, and a “school cone” (Schultüte or Zuckertüte) filled with sweets and little presents.

Meet some of our friends from Germany!

My favorite Book of Mormon story is when Christ visits and teaches the people. I want to follow Christ’s commandment to not judge. The more I read about the Savior’s teachings, the more I feel His love and peace.

Lelia A., age 10, Franconia, Germany

I know if I keep the commandments, I have the assurance and security of staying on the path that leads to God. I can always know that I did something right when I feel the Holy Ghost.

Kaleb A., age 12, Franconia, Germany

Are you from Germany? Write to us! We would love to hear from you.

Thanks for exploring Germany with us. See you next time!

Illustrations by Katie McDee; photograph of boy in front of Frankfurt Germany Temple sign by Fernanda Rudloff; stock photography by AdobeStock and Getty Images
