How can I help my friends who seem depressed?
June 2020

“How can I help my friends who seem depressed?” Liahona, June 2020

Questions & Answers

How can I help my friends who seem depressed?

friends talking

Invite Them to Be with You

Invite them to do fun things with you. Don’t be discouraged if they are not responding the way you want. Sometimes just the invitation to something or even the knowledge that you want to be with them is going to boost them up.

Alyssa F., age 16, Washington, USA

Reassure Them

When I am with depressed friends, I don’t make light of their problem. But I help lighten their difficulties. I try to be reassuring and loving with them. I give them the opportunity to vent their frustrations.

Angbo K., age 18, Ivory Coast

Don’t Let Yourself Get Roped in

The best way to help them, and yourself, is by being genuine. Say the things that give you joy. If you’re struggling with staying happy, let them know you are there for them, but take care of yourself. It is better for you to be OK than to get roped in too.

Kira W., age 16, Kansas, USA

Think of the Positive

You can stay positive around your friends who seem depressed by thinking of positive things that you have experienced or are going to experience soon in your life. Just think of things you appreciate, such as funny experiences.

Luke P., age 14, New Mexico, USA

Remind Them of the Good

When I have a friend who is depressed, I try to talk to them about something that they are interested in so they can be reminded of some good things about their day or life. Sometimes I’ll try to make them laugh or give them a compliment to make them feel good, and sometimes I ask them to do something important so they know that they have a purpose.

Carson D., age 15, Texas, USA
