The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Participates in Ghana COVID-19 Relief Efforts
August 2020

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Participates in Ghana COVID-19 Relief Efforts

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced, as part of an ongoing effort to address the COVID-19 pandemic, a donation on April 17 of basic necessities that will help reduce the effect of the pandemic on frontline health caregivers and other service providers in Ghana.

The contributed items include N95 masks, disposable face masks, protective eye shields (with and without hats), infrared thermometers, antiseptic soap, hand sanitizer, gloves, Veronica Buckets, and disposable paper towels. In addition to the medical supplies, the Church donated food items to feed 500 vulnerable households. These food items include rice, cooking oil, canned fish, tomato paste and washing soap.

Elder Edward Dube, the First Counselor in the Africa West Area Presidency along with Elder Hugo Martinez, Second Counselor in the Africa West Area Presidency were accompanied by other Church representatives when making the donation to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. Those present for the government were the mayor of Accra Metropolitan Assembly, the honorable Mohammed Adjei Sowah, who introduced the other government officials which included the honorable Kwasi Boateng Adjei, deputy minister for local government and rural development; the honorable Ishmael Ashitey, Greater Accra regional minister; and Seji Saji, deputy director general of the National Disaster Management Organization.

Elder Dube recognized the local government relief efforts and indicated that the Church wants to be an effective partner in this fight to protect the citizens of Ghana. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently invited all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized. This fast has impacted many people’s lives already, including those here in Ghana. These items donated go hand in hand with this effort to minimize the pandemic.

Elder Martinez reminded all of how COVID-19 is dangerous, and we should all obey the government’s directives to stay home, wash hands regularly, use hand sanitizers often, and wear face masks when going out.

Ishmael Ashitey said, “I heard of this donation from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints only yesterday, but knowing your good works and dedication to the communities where you have built your churches, I decided to come and support and thank you for the kind gesture.”

Kwasi Boateng Adjei also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Church and added that the donation will go a long way in supporting plans to begin the distribution of nonperishable dry food packages to the vulnerable.
