Who are the UK and Ireland Digital Channels?
January 2021

Who Are the UK and Ireland Digital Channels?

The Church calls local members to assist in delivering the digital communication needs of members. The members in the Church’s digital channels team are volunteers, within the United Kingdom and Ireland Communication Department. They organise, produce and share content prepared by local members and by Europe Area departments.

The principal purpose is to build unity, while recognising uniqueness, through the Church’s worldwide digital and publication work. We are all united, but the Church also appreciates the uniqueness that comes from members’ nations and cultures. We are God’s children and He loves our uniqueness while we work together in love and unity.

The UK digital channels team has two websites, as well as Church-sanctioned Facebook page, and Instagram and Twitter accounts. It gathers and edits articles, images, audio and video recordings, and any other faith-promoting content. Platforms for sharing such content include the websites, social media, and the local pages of the Church’s magazine, the Liahona.

Members can be blessed by the Church’s providing the resources to record and share members’ histories and stories. The feelings this content brings to our fellow members can be uplifting. Members throughout the world access our digitally distributed content, but only if we tell our stories.

The work done by those called to the UK digital channels team is important to all members of the Church. It provides great potential to bless both those who provide the content and those who read and hear it. Those called to the team change over time, but the purposes of the digital-communications work remain the same.

We invite all UK and Ireland members to use our submission site, created by our digital channels coordinator, Jason Watling. The site has resources and some instruction as to how you can submit your content, ideas, or questions. The URL is https://digitalchannels.uk or you may email submissions@digitalchannels.uk.

When thinking of things to submit, it’s best to always keep in mind that the purpose is to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, ‘doing good,’ from a UK and Irish perspective. I suggest you think of a gospel topic, then think of someone near you related to that topic, and finally think about which way is best to share that information.

When I was newly called as the local pages editor for the UK, I attended a meeting with the National Church History Department. In this meeting I was told that a large portion of the UK and Irish Church history had been revealed from the content of older Ensign magazines.

Where there were gaps in Church history, they were often filled by the content of older copies of the Ensign. Church historians originally didn’t think of the Ensign as a potential source of such history, but they were thrilled when members told them they could look through their personal copies of the Local Pages which they had kept for years.

That information was a personal awakening. I suddenly understood the significance of the Local Pages and my responsibility in safeguarding something that was so loved and so valuable to the Lord.

The team loves the members of this land. It does the work of a loving Heavenly Father. He knows us personally and loves us infinitely.

To submit your stories and or content we ask you to visit https://digitalchannels.uk or you make contact with one of us by email:

Jason Watling, digital channels coordinator: webmaster@lds.org.uk

Megan Clayton, social media specialist: meganclayton22@icloud.com

Rachel Garden, social media specialist and videographer: rachel.garden@hotmail.co.uk

Lewis Mancer, social media specialist: lewis@mancer.co.uk

Chelsea Craven, editor of Liahona Local Pages: chelseacraven@ldspublicaffairs.org or ensignukinserts@gmail.com

Kenneth Jorgenson, country communications page web publisher: kjorgensen@ldspublicaffairs.org

Chris Woodward, Correlation reviewer: chris.woodward@ldspublicaffairs.org
