A Better Choice
January 2021

“A Better Choice,” Liahona, January 2021, 14

Latter-day Saint Voices

A Better Choice

I was surprised to receive such a direct message from the Spirit. I knew what to do and didn’t hesitate for a second.

Photograph of couple in front of Vancouver British Columbia Temple

Photograph in front of Vancouver British Columbia Temple provided by the author

After my husband would leave for work, I used to finish my daily housework and then lie down and spend a few hours on Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram. I spent almost 15 hours a week on social media. I couldn’t seem to stop sharing funny videos and images, but I seldom shared messages about the Church. Often at bedtime, my husband had to help me get off social media so I could get to sleep.

At this time, I set a goal to read the Bible all the way through to help me better understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each day I dedicated myself to read approximately three chapters. On days that social media ate up some of my time, I would try to read a little extra.

One night I put my Bible beside me to read a few chapters. But before reading, I grabbed my phone and spent the next hour and a half on social media. When I realized what time it was, I put my phone aside and knelt to pray. My prayer didn’t last even 10 seconds. As soon as I stood up, a voice came to my mind, saying, “I would that you invest as much time to prayer as you do to social media.”

I was surprised to receive such a direct message from the Spirit. I knew what to do and didn’t hesitate for a second. Immediately, I deleted the social media apps from my phone and began a social media fast.

A week later, I was endowed in the holy temple. Along with the covenants I made with the Lord, I promised Him that in my free time I would read about the Church and about the Prophet Joseph Smith and continue reading the Bible.

Heavenly Father has greatly blessed me for deciding to make a better choice by getting away from social media and spending more time learning about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
