Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Success Stories
February 2021

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Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Success Stories

Bassa N’da Germain Eby, Avocatier Ward, Cote d’Ivoire Anonkoua Stake

I am Brother Bassa N’Da Germain Eby, from Cote d’Ivoire, Anonkoua Stake, Avocatier Ward. I served in the Liberia Monrovia Mission, and returned home in March of this year. Before going on my mission, I graduated from the university in accounting and finance. I had worked in a company for eight months. Life after my mission was like a puzzle as I did not know what to do.

I met with my bishop and explained my circumstances to him. He counseled me to meet with the WSRS manager. My encounter with him was a new dawn in my life. He introduced me to the WSRS tools. Following that, I participated in an orientation for returned missionaries. That was an eye-opener, because I was able to set goals and to identify resources that I could use to achieve them. I also attended an accelerated job search training. I regularly received one-on-one coaching from the WSRS manager. He helped me to develop a very good resume.

My job search effort yielded results when a company I contacted, Perfect Communication, gave me an offer as a trainee. I devoted myself to the training so much that after a month I was given a full-time appointment. Just about the same time, I got a better offer from another company including opportunities for career growth. I chose the latter. I have been working with Olam International, a rubber factory, since July.

It is indeed a blessing to secure a job in these difficult times when companies are downsizing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am grateful to the Lord for His providence. I owe the WSRS manager loads of gratitude for his support. I am still learning from life’s experiences and I know I have embarked on the journey to become self-reliant. I encourage every returned missionary to participate in the WSRS group meetings. They will open the door of opportunity to them.

I know that God lives. He loves us. We are His children. He cares for our growth, so He always prepares the way for us to obtain every needful thing to be happy.

Arit Okon Ekpeyong, Big Qua Ward, Calabar Nigeria Stake

I am a banana seller and a graduate of policy studies and administration from the University of Calabar, Nigeria.

I worked with my certificate as a degree holder but was underemployed, my salary at the end of the month was not enough to take care of my basic needs so I quit the job to sell bananas.

When I was introduced to the self-reliance devotional, I found it very interesting and I joined the Starting and Growing My Business group.

During my group meeting, I learned a lot of principles that enabled me to start my own business.

Some of the principles I learned that have made my business successful are:

  1. Payment of tithes.

  2. Fasting and praying for the progress of my business.

  3. Spiritual self-reliance (my faith has grown tremendously in the Lord)

  4. Networking for clients (I have an umbrella shop. I also hawk my goods)

  5. I have an expense book for cash in and cash out reports.

  6. I have developed daily savings.

  7. I have a salary from my business.

Now I can afford my basic needs, provide for those around me, and have enough time to plan for myself and my business.

The experience I gained during my group meeting has blessed my life, and I have encouraged everyone around me to join any of the self-reliance groups to also experience a change in their lives.

I may not be fully self-reliant now, but from my efforts, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
