undefined undefined New British Pageant President called to serve
New British Pageant President called to serve
April 2021

New British Pageant President Called

Craig Wright from Norwich Stake has been called as the new British Pageant president to preside and organise the third British Pageant musical production starting in the summer of 2022.

Craig Wright is a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Married to his precious wife, Sarah, and father to three daughters and one son, he is also a grandfather of three who affectionately call him ‘Pops’. Brother Wright loves spending time with his family, immersing himself in the English countryside, and swimming in the sea. He loves painting, drawing, and pondering upon gospel truths. Professionally, he is the managing director of a company that sells innovative fire extinguishers.

Brother Wright believes the Church has never been better known in Britain, with Church members having served in positions of influence in government, business, education, and other prominent areas. He said, “I believe passionately in the importance of building bridges of understanding with other faiths so that we can espouse the common values that we share for the good of our communities. I also believe there is much more each of us can do to take small steps to let our light shine and for the gospel of Jesus Christ to become an even more powerful force for good in the UK and across the world.”

Area Seventy Elder Roy Tunnicliffe recently extended the call to Brother Wright to serve as president of the pageant. Commenting on the calling, Brother Wright said he was overwhelmed with humility and was in awe of the responsibility. “In proportion to this feeling of inadequacy was a powerful spiritual confirmation that the call was inspired by the Lord, and as such, I felt confident the Lord could make me equal to the task, with my precious Sarah supporting me. I am also aware that the British Pageant is made possible through the commitment and faith of hundreds of volunteers in cast and crew! Having attended previous pageants, I know what a transformational spiritual experience they can be for all who come and see,” he said.

“The pageant is not simply a theatrical production but an opportunity to explain that what transpired in the British Isles was part of a long tradition of the search for truth and struggle for religious freedom,” said 2013 pageant president, and former Member of Parliament, Stephen Kerr.

Brother Wright’s parents came from the shores of India to England in the 1950s. His mother was from a Catholic family and his father was a Christian of no particular denomination. Commenting on this, he said; “They were both truth seekers and were blessed to have two sister missionaries knock on their door. They were baptised in 1966, a year before I was born. I have been blessed to have been raised by good parents and the seeds of my testimony were first planted in my heart through their teaching and righteous examples.”

The British Pageant retells the story of the reformation by recalling some tremendous efforts of prominent reformers throughout the world, but particularly in the British Isles.

As the story moves forward, the focus shifts to the remarkable experiences of the first missionaries voluntarily serving for the newly organised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. American missionaries arrived in Liverpool in 1837 and shortly thereafter began to share their message in Preston. Arriving during an election time, a banner spotted in the town square, saying “Truth will prevail” became a clarion call for the missionaries of the day.

Their message was that the gospel of Jesus Christ had been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. A second witness of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon had been translated by the gift and power of God, and the restoration of priesthood authority had taken place. Thousands of new British converts were baptised and subsequently many emigrated to America in the years to follow, pulling handcarts across the vast plains of America to Salt Lake City, their ultimate destination. The stories of these Saints have uplifted the testimony of many individuals and strengthened their faith in Jesus Christ.

Brother Wright served in the England Bristol Mission under the direction of President George H. Jones and his wife, Edna. He says his testimony deepened as a young elder. Since then Brother Wright has served in various leadership positions, including bishop, stake president and Area Seventy.

Shares Brother Wright, “I have a deep testimony of the Book of Mormon, of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ! I know President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord’s mouthpiece to guide us during these days of peculiar challenges and opportunities. I have received a personal witness of the divinity of our Saviour Jesus Christ and of the power and healing that can be claimed through faith and obedience by each one of us because of His atoning sacrifice.”

Brother Wright’s sincere desire is for the British Pageant to become a tool to gather Israel and to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ. He hopes that it will be a channel of healing and peace, as each participant and attendee is ministered to one by one.