Jesus Christ Saved Us from Sin and Death
April 2021

“Jesus Christ Saved Us from Sin and Death,” Liahona, April 2021

Gospel Basics

Jesus Christ Saved Us from Sin and Death

Because of His sacrifice, we all have the chance to find eternal peace and joy.

the Savior in Gethsemane

O My Father, by Simon Dewey

We refer to Jesus Christ as our Savior. That is because He paid the price for our sins and overcame the power of death. He saved us! His sacrifice for us, called the Atonement, is the most important event that ever happened. Because of Him, death is not the end. Because of Him, we can be forgiven of our sins, become clean again, and grow better each day.

Jesus Christ Was the Firstborn

Before coming to earth, we lived with our heavenly parents. As the Firstborn, Jesus Christ helped create this beautiful world. He was chosen to be our Savior and agreed to be born on earth so He could set a perfect example, teach His gospel, and complete the Atonement for us.

Jesus Christ Paid for Our Sins

When Jesus knew He would soon die, He went to a garden called Gethsemane to pray. During that prayer, He began to pay the price for our sins. He willingly suffered so that we don’t have to—if we repent. As we turn away from our sins and follow the Savior instead, we can find forgiveness and healing. Because of the Savior, we can progress spiritually in this life and have eternal life with our Heavenly Father.

Jesus Christ Overcame Death

burial of Jesus

The Burial of Christ, by Carl Heinrich Bloch

After His prayer in Gethsemane, Jesus was betrayed, arrested, and sentenced to death by crucifixion. Even though He was all-powerful, Jesus allowed Himself to die on the cross. His followers lovingly placed His body in a tomb. They didn’t realize that although His body was dead, His spirit was still alive in the spirit world. Three days later, Jesus came to life again and visited them, proving that He could conquer death. This completed the Atonement. Because Jesus was resurrected, each of us will live again after we die.

The Meaning of Christmas and Easter

Much of the world celebrates two holidays that help us remember the Atonement of Jesus Christ. During Christmas, we remember with gratitude that Jesus was willing to accept the mission of coming to earth, even though that included suffering and dying for us. Easter celebrates the Savior’s victory over sin and death, which gives us hope for an eternal future of joy.

What Do Scriptures Say about the Savior’s Atonement?

Jesus suffered pains, sicknesses, and temptations of every kind. Because He knows us perfectly, He can “succor,” or help, us. (See Alma 7:11–12.)

The Savior understands our sorrows and grief (see Isaiah 53:2–5).

God sent Jesus to save us because God loves each one of us (see John 3:16–17).

Jesus prayed for His followers, including us, to be protected from evil and to be one with Him and Heavenly Father (see John 17).

Our Savior invites us to follow Him and return to His presence (see Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19, 23–24; 132:23).
