Prayers of Faith
October 2021

Local Voices

Prayers of Faith

About 11 years ago, soon after our marriage, my husband for some reasons best known to him, refused to attend sacrament meetings.

This development was a big cause for worry to me. I begged him to reconsider that position but to no avail. Weeks, months and then years passed, as a wife and a mother, it was my dream to raise my children in that Latter-day Saint home settings.

What could I do to help my husband? Then the story of Mosiah and Alma, and their children came to mind. Alma faced a similar situation when his son was persecuting the Church of the Lord. He prayed with faith and an angel appeared unto his son and a change occurred. Immediately, I entered my room and prayed to my Father in Heaven with faith knowing that He will answer me, and He did.

My husband came home from work one day and said I should prepare his white shirt for church on Sunday. Apparently, he had received a call from a brother and a sister he had baptized while on mission. They called to thank him for introducing them to the Church. In the process, they asked my husband how was church, and he could not lie. So, he began attending church service.

Brigham Young said, “I want to see men and women breathe the Holy Ghost in every breath of their lives, living constantly in the light of God’s countenance.”1

Joseph Smith is indeed a true prophet of God. We have a living prophet, Prophet Russell M. Nelson. He guides this Church by revelation. I know this to be true.

Brothers and sisters, we live in a world today where many opposing things are thrown at us. Afflictions and difficulties in life hit us every day. Sometimes, we wonder if it is even worth worshipping our Heavenly Father amidst all this hardship.

Brothers and Sisters let us not give up hope. We must go down on our knees and seek the Lord’s guidance.

In James 1:5–7, James admonished us: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he, that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

“For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

I testify to you that Joseph Smith, Enos, Alma, and many prophets of old prayed with faith and got answers to their problems, if we do same, Heavenly Father will answer you and make your burden light.


  1. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 33.
