New Pacific Church Leader Explains Her Calling
October 2021

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New Pacific Church Leader Explains Her Calling

This is the second of a series of articles highlighting women serving as area organisation advisors in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Cyndee Hamilton, of Sydney, is one of three women in the Pacific Area who serves as an area organisation advisor, a new leadership calling in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

These leaders provide training and support for women leaders of the Church in the Pacific Area, such as in the Primary, Young Women and Relief Society organisations on a stake level. They also meet in councils on a multistake level.

Sister Hamilton has broad Church leadership experience and understands how Church councils and the priesthood function. She feels these are important insights she can share in training women leaders.

Encouraging women who meet in council with other Church leaders, Sister Hamilton suggests, “You have a responsibility for the calling you hold and with that comes an opportunity to make sure your voice is heard. You need lots of confidence to fulfil your duty in the Church. Knowing you have been directed by the Holy Spirit to share perspectives and speak up gives you that confidence. Confidence comes from the Lord.”

The messages she shares help women accomplish their part in God’s work of bringing salvation and eternal life to members of the Church. She mentors, ministers, and instructs, helping sister leaders to refocus for better outcomes, offering resources, and giving direction.

When asked what she would like to share with women, she said, “We women often underestimate our ability to make a difference. We have the power to influence, direct, and teach. We can also advocate for our children in the community and in schools. We need to put ourselves out there when we feel it is the right thing to do.”

On a recent Sunday, Sister Hamilton drove one and a half hours south of her home in Sydney to train women leaders, then drove two hours north and did it again. In between, she made time to stop in on the grandchildren.

Her life is an example of what she teaches.
