Come unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him
January 2022


Come unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him

The beginning of a new year is the time in which we traditionally take an inventory of our life during the period that passed, and we set goals and take on new challenges for the new year. As we begin the year, we feel full of hope. It is a new beginning, and it is like writing on the first blank page of a 365-page notebook.

Thinking about the first month of the year, I was curious to know the origin of the name of this month. January takes its name from Latin, Janus, who was a god with two faces, one looking back at the past and the other looking towards the future. He is also known as the god of beginnings. I would like to focus on this last part, the beginning.

Generally, at the end or beginning of a new year we sing the hymn “One More Year Has Gone”. By analyzing this beautiful hymn, we can obtain wise advice, and it reminds us of principles that mark a course to follow.

One more year has gone! Joyful marching on,

We this height have won; Resting here,

Back a look we cast, O’er the journey past,

Then we’ll view, at last, The coming year. 1

The first stanza invites us to make an evaluation of our events in the past year, that is, it invites us to look at the past. After this invitation, we are faced with a question:

“Can I improve, can I progress in this year that has already started?”

It is known that all good intentions are written on the first day of the year, but as the days go by, the enthusiasm diminishes. Making resolutions is easy but sticking with them and making progress is something else entirely.

But what does the word progress mean?

The word “progress” comes from the Latin term progressus. In the generic sense it indicates moving forward, taking a step forward and upward, overcoming different levels or steps.

To progress would be to climb the rungs of a ladder.

Our beloved prophet has invited us to walk the covenant path, that is, to progress and to have an ongoing desire to seek excellence in our lives.

The Area emphasis, which in turn is framed in prophetic priorities, invites us to:

  • Live the gospel (persevere)

  • Care for those in need (welfare and self-reliance)

  • Invite everyone to receive the gospel (missionary work-baptisms)

  • Unite families for eternity (temple ordinances)

So, what has he invited us to do?

Both the prophet and the words of this hymn invite us to take:

A step forward on the step of prayer, reading the scriptures, keeping the commandments, in short, deepening our roots in the gospel.

A step forward on the step of caring for our brothers who are in need both temporally and spiritually.

A step forward on the step of sharing the good news and the great joy that the gospel brings.

A step up the ladder of performing and increasing temple ordinances.

What should we focus on this coming year?

Forward marching, we Our bright way would see,

Upward, Lord, to Thee, Climbing still.

Be our Guide, we pray—Every Sabbath day

Teach us, Lord, the way, And Thy dear will.2

The third stanza invites us to follow the path that the Lord showed us.

How can we follow it and avoid being “carried about with every wind of doctrine?”3

We must set goals. They help us set an appropriate course. Setting goals gives us a direction to follow. It allows us to have control over our time and our lives. “Thou shalt not idle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy talent that it may not be known.”4

Bishop John H. Vanderberg said: “I feel that goal-setting is absolutely necessary for happy living. But the goal is only part of the desired procedures. We need to know which roads to take to reach the goal.”5

President Ezra Taft Benson said: “Every accountable child of God needs to set goals, short- and long-range goals. … This encompasses four main areas for goals: spiritual, mental, physical, and social.”6

The four areas are intertwined with each other, and to develop them, we are invited to do the following in each of these areas:

  • Discover what needs to be worked on by taking an inventory of the talents and skills we have and identify where we need to improve.

  • Plan how to do it, act on the plan, put it into practice and move forward with faith in God and in ourselves as His children.

  • Reflect on what we learned in the process and start it again.

Keep in mind that even though we may not fully achieve the goal, just being diligent in our effort will make us better.7

The last stanza is a plea, a prayer asking for help to be able to climb these steps that will help us to reach a higher level in our lives.

Father, hear our call, Let Thy blessings fall

On Thy children all, Drawing near.

May sweet showers of love Thy dear presence prove,

While we onward move Another year.8

The Lord has invited us to perfect ourselves in Him. The most efficient way is to develop love for Our Father, since, if we love Him, we will keep His commandments,9 and as a demonstration and extension of that love for Him, we will love our neighbor.10

As we begin this year, we can focus on perfecting ourselves in Him11 by setting goals in the Lord’s way, seeking His help with faith and prayer, discovering what we need, and acting with enthusiasm, looking towards the result that firm and consistent effort will bring us.12
