Pathway: An Inspired Program
January 2022


Pathway: An Inspired Program

Some years ago, some friends invited me to join BYU–Pathway Worldwide, and I asked them what they were talking about, but I never started studying. After that, my girlfriend signed up, and she always told me about the wonderful experiences that she had every week in the gatherings. Even though she spent a lot of time completing her assignments, she was always grateful for what was happening there.

So many times, I asked myself, “Why do people do Pathway? There are many universities where you can learn, and if the purpose is to increase your English skills, there are also institutes that can teach you and help you,” I thought.

Those were my thoughts until the Lord showed me why this program sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is so valuable. In March 2021, my wife and I were called as service missionaries for BYU–Pathway Worldwide, and in our first meeting with the students, I understood why Heavenly Father inspired this wonderful system of education that can be done from the comfort of our own homes.

No one has a secure future, but Pathway students are not afraid to walk into the unknown with faith in the Savior that He will guide them and help them know what to do.

Anyone over the age of 18 can enter and do it; President Russell M. Nelson has said:

“Being educated is the difference between wishing you could do some good and being able to do some good.

“Often people ask me what it’s like to be a doctor. They ask, ‘How long were you in school?’ Well, it was a long time. From the time I got my medical degree until the time I sent my first bill for professional services rendered was 12½ years. It was a long time, but how old would I have been 12½ years later if I weren’t doing that? Exactly the same. So, you might as well strive to become all that you can become.

“My medical education is what allowed me to perform a heart operation on President Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985) in 1972. So don’t discount knowledge. The glory of God really is intelligence (see D&C 93:36).”1

I testify that BYU–Pathway Worldwide is an inspired program because it makes us feel that we can start progressing in the path of this life at any time. I know that all the Lord’s programs are to help us to obtain more knowledge, not only for life on earth, but also for the life that follows with our Heavenly Father.


  1. Russell M. Nelson, “Focus on Values”, Liahona, Feb. 2013, 54.
