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Restoration of the People
October 2022

Restoration of the People

In Doctrine and Covenants 84:2, we read, “Yea, the word of the Lord concerning his church, established in the last days for the restoration of his people, as he has spoken by the mouth of his prophets, and for the gathering of his saints to stand upon Mount Zion, which shall be the city of New Jerusalem.”

The wording of this particular verse struck me. We often say that it was the Church that was restored. Yet in this verse, the Lord states that the Church was established for the restoration of the people. I wish to discuss the Restoration of the gospel through this lens.

The first way in which the Lord restored His people was through a restoration of knowledge. After the church organised by Peter and the original Apostles fell, simple gospel truths became clouded and corrupted. It is telling that in these latter days, the first revelation demonstrated that we can actually receive revelation. We learned that God will provide answers, should His children seek Him out. What followed was a restoration of lost keys of knowledge. We can now enjoy the doctrinal purity that God always meant for us.

God then restored the priesthood to us. Through this, we are able to again perform and receive saving ordinances, bless and receive blessings, and organise the Church in a manner that is consistent with the early Church.

The term “restoration of the people” can be applied in a collective sense, but also to us as individuals. Using the knowledge and priesthood restored to us, so too can we be restored in our own unique ways. We are able to enjoy a more direct link to the Saviour, and His Atonement.

We can receive revelation and guidance for our daily lives, have strength to bear all things, and enjoy a clear understanding of our eternal nature. This restored knowledge brings clarity, comfort, and understanding. Through the restoration of the priesthood, we can be baptised, and partake of the sacrament weekly. We can be sealed to our loved ones for eternity. We can eventually return to our Heavenly Father, saved and perfected in Him.

If it wasn’t for this Restoration, the people of God could not be gathered together. The purposes of God would be frustrated. But as the holy prophets have said, the Great Apostasy has ended, and the truth has been restored.

I bear testimony that the gospel has been restored, and through it, so have I.