William Tyndale’s Descendant Performs in Commemorative Concert
February 2023

William Tyndale’s Descendant Performs in Commemorative Concert

London-born Jack Tyndale-Biscoe, pianist, and Rachel Youngberg Payne, mezzo-soprano, presented a commemorative concert in honour of William Tyndale (1494–1536) at the Guild Church of St. Dunstan-in-the-West on 7 October 2022.

The concert was a celebration of the work and life of William Tyndale, who pioneered the translation of the Bible into English and was a lecturer at St. Dunstan’s. Tyndale was later martyred in Vilvoorde, Belgium on 6 October 1536 for his Protestant beliefs.

Jack Tyndale-Biscoe, who directed the concert in addition to performing, is a direct descendant of William Tyndale’s brother, Edward Tyndale of Pull Court who is Jack’s 14th great-grandfather.

When asked about the importance of William Tyndale in his life, Jack responded, “Tyndale is part of my family history. His contribution to the English language and our current Bible is of paramount importance universally. The simplicity, the expressive depth and musicality of his translations often strikes a chord within me, which augments my testimony and relationship with Deity as I have studied the scriptures.”

“It was Tyndale who gave us beautiful biblical phrases such as, “Let there be light; seek and ye shall find; ask and it shall be given you,” commented Jack as he guided attendees through the concert.

Commencing his musical training at age six, Jack later became an autodidact (self-taught) and remembers developing a love for music in general, playing all styles and genres. He later received degrees from the Australian Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Sydney, Brigham Young University-Idaho, and the Royal College of Music in London with additional studies at the Leipzig Conservatory in Germany.

Currently, Jack performs regularly in London and Europe, teaches, and has begun a music company with his wife. He says, “As a musician in Europe, you get the chance to try your hand at a variety of musical activities and work in many ways.”

Jack was joined by Rachel Youngberg Payne who is a classically trained mezzo soprano and a native of California. She later moved to New York and graduated from the Manhattan School of Music where she studied opera and vocal performance and later did post graduate work in solo opera performance at the Privat Universität für Musik und Kunst Wein. Rachel who now lives in West London, has toured throughout Europe and the US, and is married with two children.

The compositions chosen for the commemorative concert included those with a spiritual content. “’The Mendelssohn Prelude and Fugue’ contains a triumphant hymn-like chorale and was inspired by Martin Luther, another great name of the Reformation,” says Jack.

Led by Rachel and accompanied by Jack, guests were invited to an interactive part of the concert by standing and singing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” This hymn of praise was composed and written by Martin Luther.

“The messages found in Rachel’s vocal pieces from Handel’s Messiah, Gounod’s ‘O Divine Redeemer’ and Rossini’s ‘Agnus Dei’ all point towards the Saviour and connect us to the life, work, and faith of William Tyndale,” says Jack.

Rachel adds, “This was such an incredible gift. Performing beautiful music with a wonderful collaborator to honour the life of someone who gave the ultimate sacrifice to bring the world more of God’s truth was an inspiring experience.”

Concluding the musical tribute to Tyndale, guests were privileged to listen to an original composition of Jack’s entitled, “When the Saviour Comes” to which Rachel sang words of introspective evaluation.

Jack Tyndale-Biscoe and Rachel Youngberg Payne are members of the Church. They consider it “a privilege to be able to share such incredible music as they remember a truly courageous soul in William Tyndale.”
