Heavenly Help To Complete Temple Work
April 2024

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Heavenly Help to Complete Temple Work

In October 2021, President Russell M. Nelson emphasised the importance of temple worship, stating, “Everything we believe and every promise God has made to His covenant people come together in the temple.”1 This sentiment resonates with me as I reflect on my own experiences within the Lord’s house.

Neither of my parents or any of my siblings are members of the Church, so a year after my dad, Gerald Prior, passed away, the time came to do his temple work.

It was decided to do the work at the Preston England Temple. Upon our arrival on a Friday afternoon, I booked an appointment with the temple registrar and explained that I wanted to try to complete all the ordinances for my dad the next day. He informed me that the only way that it would be possible was if the baptism work was done that evening. There was a youth temple trip scheduled, and if I came back to the temple at 7:00 pm, I could join them and get the work done for my dad.

I returned to the temple at 7:00 pm and waited. Around 7:30 pm, the registrar informed me that the stake youth had cancelled their appointment, assuring me, “Don’t worry; we will get something sorted.” True to his word, 15 minutes later, he returned and invited my wife, Tracey, and me to the baptistry.

There, we met with about 10 temple workers who had already finished for the day. Upon hearing of my predicament, they generously sacrificed their time to assist. They asked whether I would be happy to be involved in doing the work for other people as well as my dad. I was more than happy to oblige, and it also gave me the opportunity to baptise Tracey, which I had never done before.

A great couple of hours were had in the Preston temple that evening. The following day I carried on doing the necessary ordinances for my dad, and several times met with the temple workers that I had met the evening before. They enquired how the work was progressing, and it was touching to see their support and encouragement for the work for my dad.

At the end of the day, I was able to participate in the sealing of my mum and dad. My daughter, Lauren, and her husband, Gabe, joined us and with their help, I was able to be sealed to my parents. Officiating were the very workers from the previous evening.

It was truly a wonderful experience, and one that will never be forgotten by Tracey and myself. I will always be grateful to those temple workers who selflessly sacrificed their own time to help me and my father.

I encourage everyone who can to get involved in family history and temple work, as it is truly the work of salvation and exaltation.

  1. Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” Liahona, November 2021, 94.