UK and Ireland Digital Team
The Church calls local members to assist in delivering the digital communication needs of members. The members in the Church’s Digital Team organise, produce, and share content prepared by local members, and by the Europe North Area departments.
The Digital Team members all serve on the national communication council and consist of
Kenneth Jorgensen, digital team director
Megan Stobbs, Liahona> editor
Andrew Lamont, Liahona editor
Kieran Jorgensen, website publisher
Jack Jorgensen, website publisher
Olivia Marshall, social media specialist
Megan Claire, Liahona editor and social media specialist
The team maintains two official Church websites and approved Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. It gathers and edits articles, images, audio and video recordings, and any other faith-promoting content. Platforms for sharing such content include the websites, social media, and the local pages of the Church’s magazine, the Liahona.
We invite all members from the UK and Ireland to submit a story. Perhaps you attended a special event, maybe you did some service as a group, had a faith-promoting experience, are a recent convert, have interesting Church history in your local area, or are willing to share why you went on a mission etc. These are just some of many topics.
When thinking of things to submit, it’s best to always keep in mind that the purpose is to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and doing good, from a UK and Irish perspective.
To submit your stories and or content we ask you to visit or you can email us at
As a digital team we also serve the stakes through the UK and Ireland and have helped with broadcasting, image creation, creating social media plans, sharing experiences gained and helping people from different stakes to network.