Create a Beautiful Family Tree
January 2025

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Create a Beautiful Family Tree

Create a Beautiful Family Tree: Family History Starts Here

The new FamilySearch Africa page has been available now for several months. Have you had a chance to experience it yet? If you think about Family History, it all starts with a tree and the Create a Beautiful Family Tree feature in the New FamilySearch Africa webpage or Android app is the perfect place to start. If you are new to family history, you can begin by adding family names, relationships, dates, and places of key events such as birth and death and even a photo of your ancestors into your tree. If you have used FamilySearch in the past, you can add family names you have already entered or add new ones. There are four styles of tree to choose from, so pick your favorite. The result is a beautiful tree with up to 15 family members and ancestors that you can print and display on the wall or share digitally with your family.

So why do we say it all starts here? Most of our African members do not have a tree with all their close ancestors. Think about it. If you don’t have names of your ancestors, it is hard to move forward and learn more about them. Also, let’s look at why this is where you should start.

  1. When you create a tree by adding information about family members, what you know about their names, birth and death dates and places, you preserve part of your ancestral heritage.

  2. Building your tree can involve the full family, old and young even if they are not all members.

  3. Involving young children helps them learn who their ancestors are and where they came from. A next step is for them to learn stories about the lives of their ancestors, things like how they endured and overcame their struggles, things that brought them joy or sorrow, traditions and what was important to them.

  4. This helps generate the spirit of Elijah in the participants and fosters family conversations. The spirit of Elijah helps strengthen and unite families as they work together remembering their common heritage. It brings us closer to the Savior.

  5. The same information you enter for dates and locations are required for doing temple work. With just a little more work you can use the Prepare a Name for the Temple feature and prepare your personal ancestors’ names and do their temple work so they can receive temple blessings and progress eternally.

  6. Starting this work for your ancestors is among the best methods to show love for and come closer to the Savior while actively participating in His great work to gather Israel.

Are you ready to start this lifechanging, family-strengthening experience to help gather Israel on both sides of the veil? Download the Android app or go to