“The Blessings of the Restoration,” Liahona, Jan. 2025.
Come, Follow Me
Doctrine and Covenants 1; Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26
The Blessings of the Restoration
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ has blessed me and my family, and it will continue forward to bless all the world.
In the spring of 1820, a 14-year-old boy in need of answers entered a grove of trees. He desired to know which of the many churches around him he should join. Having learned in the scriptures that “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5), the boy went to the grove and opened his heart to God. As he prayed, the heavens opened.
God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith and answered his prayer (see Joseph Smith—History 1:16–20). This sacred event ushered in the Restoration of the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. This knowledge has greatly blessed my life, but it took me a while to gain a testimony for myself.
Jesus Christ Restored His Church
Years ago, I felt a lot like young Joseph. I was confused by the “war of words and tumult of opinions” (Joseph Smith—History 1:10) coming from many different churches in Fiji. When I first met the missionaries, I had so many questions. Some have teased that I am a slow learner because I spent eight years investigating the Church. My conversion began through understanding the name of the Church.
During His mortal ministry, Jesus Christ established His Church. Over time, the doctrine and priesthood authority of His Church became lost. In our day, Jesus Christ restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith the same church He established when He lived on earth (see Articles of Faith 1:6). He also commanded through revelation, “For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (Doctrine and Covenants 115:4).
The Church bears the name of Jesus Christ because it is His Church! After eight years, this truth resonated in my mind and heart. I was baptized at age 27 and soon called as a counselor in the ward Young Men presidency and an early-morning seminary teacher. Along the way, my testimony continued to grow.
The Restoration Continues
My life transformed as I taught seminary, attended sacrament meeting, and listened to general conference. I also felt the soothing, comforting, and inspiring influence of the Spirit as I read the Book of Mormon—a tangible evidence and manifestation of the Restoration and the prophetic call of Joseph Smith.
When the Lord called Joseph “and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments” (Doctrine and Covenants 1:17), He showed that He “does inspire men and call them to his holy work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old” and that “he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:11–12).
The Restoration that began with Joseph continues today. As Latter-day Saints, we are called to speak in the Savior’s name so “that faith … might increase in the earth,” His “everlasting covenant might be established,” and “the fulness of [His] gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world” (Doctrine and Covenants 1:21–23). We are blessed to be able to help build up the Church and prepare the world for that day when Jesus Christ returns.
Gratitude for the Prophet Joseph
A year after my baptism, my wife, Anita, and I traveled to the Nuku’alofa Tonga Temple to be sealed for time and all eternity. My testimony of the Restoration made going to the temple so meaningful. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ truly means everything! My heart is filled with gratitude for the blessings it has brought to me and my family.
These precious blessings have come to the world through “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, [who] has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it” (Doctrine and Covenants 135:3). We must be ever grateful for—and never lose sight of—what we have been given through the prophet of this last dispensation.
Through Joseph, we understand our covenant relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We have the restored priesthood and ordinances and covenants. In Joseph’s experience in the Sacred Grove, we learn that even before the Father introduced His Son, Jesus Christ, He called Joseph by name (see Joseph Smith—History 1:17). He also knows us by name. And just as He opened the heavens and answered the simple, heartfelt prayer of a 14-year-old boy, He will also answer our prayers in His own will, way, and timing, regardless of our age. These truths resonate deep within my soul. I witness that they are true.
I hope that I am someone who is doing good in the world. If I am, then Joseph Smith has done much to contribute to it. My life would not be what it is today, I would not be the husband and father that I am, and I would not be as happy as I am without the restored gospel that the Prophet Joseph sacrificed his life to bring to the world. The gospel gives me brightness and hope. For this, I will forever be grateful for the Prophet Joseph.
Anytime, Anywhere
I carry a copy of the Book of Mormon wherever I go, hoping I can give it to someone and introduce them to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I have handed out hundreds of copies throughout the world. I love to share the message of the Restoration—anytime, anywhere.
This has been especially true when teaching and testifying to my children with Anita within the walls of our home. Our daughter is currently serving a mission in New York City, USA. We have told her, “Go and testify of the Savior on your side of the world. Your Mom and Dad will do the same in our part of the world.” We love updating each other on our service. And now, we have a four-year-old granddaughter. The hope and wish of my heart is that she will often hear and constantly remember her Grandpa testifying of the Savior and His gospel.
We can all testify of the blessings of the restored gospel—anytime, anywhere—as we live an exemplary life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. We can share the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. And we can testify that Jesus Christ has restored the fulness of His gospel and leads the Church today. President Russell M. Nelson taught that “revelation continues to flow from the Lord during [the] ongoing process of restoration.” I testify that this continues through an unbroken line of priesthood keys held by prophets, seers, and revelators who inspire, guide, and help us bind ourselves to the Savior Jesus Christ.
This is my witness and testimony. I will gladly share it always and never doubt it.