“Teaching People,” A Missionary’s MTC Experience: English 2015 (2015), 2–3
“Teaching People,” A Missionary’s MTC Experience, 2–3
What Will I Focus on at the MTC?
Why do we need prophets? I feel like my personal relationship with God is all I need.
I don’t believe that any one church has everything. Why do you need just one church?
I was intrigued by the missionaries—I just really seemed to connect with them. They shared what I had been searching for.
Is God happy with me?
What is the purpose of my life?
I want to learn more about what Christ has done for me. I need him in my life.
I’ve been searching for a church; I met the missionaries and was excited to hear more.
I have never really talked with God the way the missionaries talk with God when they pray.
What happens when I die?