Temple and Family History
About Me: My Spiritual Gifts

girl writing in journal

My Spiritual Gifts

Every person on earth has spiritual gifts or special talents from God. You can use your gifts and talents to bless your family, friends, and ancestors.

icon, activities

Possible Activities

  • Ask Heavenly Father to show you the gifts you’ve been given. Which ones do you feel He wants you to practice right now?

  • Ask your parents or grandparents what gifts they see in you. Some gifts are listed below. What others are you blessed with?

    • Faith: I have enough faith in Christ to accomplish anything He wants me to do.

    • Charity: I care about and love others before myself.

    • Hope: I feel peace and am positive about the future.

    • Virtue: I have no desire to do wrong but to do good.

    • Patience: I am able to wait without getting frustrated.

    • Knowledge: I study the scriptures daily.

    • Humility: My prayers are earnest and sincere.

    • Obedience: I’m trying to obey God’s commandments.

    • A gift I’ve been blessed with is …

    • A gift I want to practice is …
