Temple and Family History
My Family: Hear What They Heard

family looking at photo album

Hear What They Heard

Hearing ancestors’ voices helps us bond with them in a special way. When you hear a story from their point of view, you can better connect with them.

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Possible Activities

Ask a parent or grandparent to tell stories about his or her life or about a family member. You could ask questions like these:

  • What is a memorable moment from your childhood?

  • What do you remember about where you grew up?

  • How did you meet your spouse?

  • What are some moments that impacted your life the most?

  • What is one funny story from your life?

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Go Digital

  • Listen to old recordings of your family members’ stories, and see what you can learn from them.

  • Listen to music or watch movies from when your ancestors were alive.

  • Use the FamilySearch Memories app to record a story from a family member’s life so it won’t be lost.
