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Service Missionary
Integrating Missionary and Non-Missionary Life

“Integrating Missionary and Non-Missionary Life,” Adjusting to Service Missionary Life: Resource Booklet (2020)

“Integrating Missionary and Non-Missionary Life,” Adjusting to Service Missionary Life

missionaries and members doing service in Helping Hands vests

Integrating Missionary and Non-Missionary Life

One of the purposes of a service mission is to “help each service missionary prepare for a lifetime of service” (“Service Missions for Young Missionaries,” attachment to First Presidency letter, Nov. 16, 2018). You can work toward this purpose as you fulfill your service assignment while living at home. Doing these things at the same time can be a challenge. You will need to manage your time carefully. As you are serving your mission, you will also be learning to do what your post-mission life will require of you. You will need to balance work, family, education, church, other service, and leisure time.

Your service mission is the ideal time and environment for developing time management skills. You will have the flexibility and support structure to identify and develop your unique talents. You can then use them to serve others.

Counsel with your service mission leader and stake president about setting goals. Your leaders will also help you identify your talents. Developing your talents should be included in your goals. These goals are part of your own customized mission plan to help you balance your priorities. You will be the principal designer of your plan. This will be your plan. It is customized to your strengths, talents, current capacity, and future hopes and dreams. Your support team can advise and encourage you, but the choices are yours.

With your support team, you will establish achievable post-mission goals and the plans to reach them. The skills you develop will bless you and others throughout the rest of your life. You can become what your loving Heavenly Father wants you to become. The Lord will also help you in this exciting journey.

By learning to use your time wisely, you will prepare for a lifetime of service. You will be able to live the two greatest commandments. These are to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” and to “love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:37, 39).