Service Missionary
Reassignment from a Proselyting Mission

“Reassignment from a Proselyting Mission,” Adjusting to Service Missionary Life: Resource Booklet (2020)

“Reassignment from a Proselyting Mission,” Adjusting to Service Missionary Life

service missionaries reading scriptures together

Reassignment from a Proselyting Mission

When you are reassigned from a proselyting mission to a service mission, the reassignment does not affect your calling as a missionary.

Dealing with the Change

  • Reassignment from a proselyting to a service mission is traumatic for many missionaries. You may experience a wide range of negative feelings. But be assured that the Savior knows your situation. His love for you is perfect. He still wants and needs your service. He needs your service in building His kingdom prior to His return to earth.

  • Often reassigned missionaries feel guilty. They regret that they were unable to remain in a proselyting mission. Those feelings of guilt can keep them from feeling the Spirit. If you are in this situation, remember that the Spirit is with you. There is no good reason to feel guilty about not completing a proselyting mission. You are both willing and worthy to serve (see Doctrine and Covenants 64:34).

  • Feelings of guilt can come from chemical reactions in the brain. These feelings may not be the consequence of sin. It is critical to understand and recognize the difference.

Still a Success

Consider the story of Helaman and his 2,060 stripling warriors (see Alma 57:19–27). All 2,060 warriors suffered wounds. Many of them fainted from loss of blood. The survival of all of them was miraculous. No matter how many wounds each one had, all 2,060 were successful. All of them were willing to serve the cause of righteousness. They were faithful, obedient, and courageous. You can follow their example and be a faithful missionary.

Wounds in today’s missionary work may include physical, mental, and emotional illnesses. These illnesses come from a wide variety of sources and causes. You can continue to serve and be successful. You are willing and worthy and can use your abilities in God’s service. (See Doctrine and Covenants 4.)

missionary studying

As you go forward in your new assignment, remember these inspiring words from Elder Gerrit W. Gong: “We can find our lives by losing our lives for the Savior’s sake” (“Becoming Perfect in Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, July 2014, 19). And you can always find strength in the Savior’s promise: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. … For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28, 30).

Continue to Grow

Now that you have been reassigned, you are living at home again. Try not to revert to old habits of dependence on others. You are still a missionary! Continue to develop adult skills, such as these:

  • Take care of your own clothes by washing, drying, and ironing them yourself.

  • See to your personal grooming. Shower daily, and present yourself as a representative of the Savior.

  • Learn to cook, shop for your groceries, and monitor what foods you eat.

  • Make sure you exercise daily.

  • Get enough sleep to remain healthy and alert.

  • Conduct daily personal gospel study and prayer.

  • Set achievable goals and sub-goals, and write them down.
