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Addressing Our Questions

“Lessons 7–14: Addressing Our Questions,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material (2022)

“Addressing Our Questions,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material

students sitting in a circle and talking

Lessons 7–14

Addressing Our Questions

For each new topic your class decides to discuss, encourage students to draw on resources found on the Newsroom, Guide to the Scriptures, General Conference, Life Help, or Topics pages. The topics selected may determine what source or sources should be used. If you feel that you or your students would benefit from additional resources, consider going to the Answering Doctrinal, Historical, and Social Questions page, which includes Helps by Topics and Gospel Study Links (found at ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Encourage students to always draw from the scriptures and the words of the prophets and to seek the influence of the Holy Ghost as they explore various topics. The outline that follows mirrors the pattern established in lessons 4–6 and is designed to apply to any topic your students want to study.

Suggestions for Teaching

Based on students’ needs, you could begin class with one of the following:

  • A microtraining from appendix A

  • A “What’s New?” discussion about news reports from the Newsroom (see handout 1 in appendix B)

  • A discussion about today’s topic

Discuss the Topic’s Relevance

Allow students a few minutes to discuss why the topic they have chosen is relevant to their lives.

Deepen Understanding

Invite students to learn more by searching the Newsroom, Guide to the Scriptures, General Conference, Life Help, or Topics pages. To guide group discussions, you could provide students handout 2, “Deepening Our Understanding,” found in appendix B. Remember to help students see each topic with an eternal perspective and to ask how their learning is affecting their faith in the Savior and His gospel.


Do one of the activities found in handouts 3–5 in appendix B, or design an activity of your own.

Reflect and Record

Give students time to ponder what they have learned and felt today. You could use the questions in handout 6, “Reflect and Record” (found in appendix B), to guide this activity.

For Next Time

Identify the agreed-upon topic for the next class. Invite students to explore either the Newsroom, Guide to the Scriptures, General Conference, Life Help, or Topics pages in preparation for class.