Handout 6: Reflect and Record

“Handout 6: Reflect and Record,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material (2022)

“Reflect and Record,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material

Handout 6

Reflect and Record

Handout 6: Reflect and Record

Answering My Gospel Questions—Handouts

Ponder what you have learned and felt today. Consider the following questions, and answer the questions that are most relevant to you:

  • What did you learn today that has helped you to better understand the position of the Church on this topic? What impressions did you receive from the Holy Ghost?

  • Who might you share this increased understanding with? When and how could you share with them in a Christlike way what you have learned and felt?

  • In what ways did today’s class experience affect your faith in Jesus Christ and His restored Church? What more can you do to increase your understanding and faith related to this topic?

  • How has this experience increased your confidence that we are led by living prophets who receive revelation from the Lord?

After completing this activity, consider sharing what you learned from your experience today.

Handout 6: Reflect and Record

teacher handout
