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Improving Learning and Discussion Skills with Microtrainings

“Improving Learning and Discussion Skills with Microtrainings,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material (2022)

“Improving Learning and Discussion Skills with Microtrainings,” Answering My Gospel Questions Teacher Material

Improving Learning and Discussion Skills with Microtrainings

This course includes nine microtrainings designed to improve students’ ability to learn about and discuss the doctrine, teachings, policies, and history of the Church.

Teachers should become familiar with all of the microtrainings and then select the trainings they feel are most relevant and timely for their students. It is recommended that microtrainings be used at the beginning of class. Teachers can determine during what classes to engage students in a microtraining. Microtrainings are designed to take about 15 minutes.

The microtrainings use the following pattern:

  1. Define. Help students understand the principle they will apply or the skill they will practice. This activity should be brief and take about 2–3 minutes.

  2. Model. Show students how the principle or skill can be applied. This activity should take about 3–5 minutes.

  3. Apply. Provide students an opportunity to practice applying the principle or skill. Ensure at least half the time spent on the microtraining (about 7–8 minutes) can be devoted to practice.