1 Nephi 3: God Prepares a Way

“1 Nephi 3: God Prepares a Way,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“1 Nephi 3: God Prepares a Way,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual

1 Nephi 3

God Prepares a Way

Nephi sitting by a stream

After traveling for days through the wilderness, Nephi and his brothers faced a test of their obedience and faith in God when they were commanded to return to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates from Laban. At times, you will also be asked by the Lord to do difficult things. This lesson can help you exercise faith in God to accomplish what He asks you to do.

Difficult commandments

  • Which commandments, standards, or other prophetic invitations are the hardest for teenagers to obey today? What makes these more difficult than others?

  • What would you say to someone who feels that a certain commandment or standard is too hard to keep?

If there is a commandment that has been difficult for you to obey, keep it in mind as you study 1 Nephi 3. Seek to learn from the examples you study, and ponder how your choices can influence your relationship with the Lord.

The Lord gives a commandment to Lehi’s sons

Read 1 Nephi 3:1–6, looking for what Lehi’s sons were commanded to do.

  • Why do you think Nephi’s brothers were correct in calling this commandment a “hard thing”? (verse 5).

Imagine how Lehi’s sons might have felt leaving their home and traveling hundreds of miles through barren country into the wilderness only to be asked to return to Jerusalem a short time later to get the plates from Laban.

Read 1 Nephi 3:7–8 and identify the reason Nephi gave for his willingness to do what the Lord commanded.

1 Nephi 3:7 is a doctrinal mastery passage. Consider marking doctrinal mastery passages in a distinctive way so you can locate them easily. You will have an opportunity in the next lesson to practice applying the doctrine taught in this passage to a question or situation.

  • What did Nephi understand that his brothers might not have understood?

One thing we learn from verse 7 is that God prepares a way for us to accomplish whatever He asks us to do.

Consider how this truth relates to commandments that may be challenging for you.

Although God will help you accomplish what He asks, He has not promised that it will be easy or that your first attempt will be successful.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, then of the First Presidency, explained:

Following the Savior will not remove all of your trials. However, it will remove the barriers between you and the help your Heavenly Father wants to give you. God will be with you. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “A Yearning for Home,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017, 22)

  • What does this statement help you understand about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

Think back to the commandments, standards, or other prophetic invitations that you identified earlier in the lesson as the hardest for teenagers to obey.

  • What are obstacles that can make it difficult to obey these commandments?

  • How might the Lord “prepare a way” to help youth obey these commandments?

Nephi and his brothers attempt to obtain the plates

Study the following accounts of the first two attempts to obtain the brass plates. Look for how the different brothers reacted to each attempt. (Note: In the lesson “1 Nephi 4–5” you will learn how the Lord eventually provided a way for them to succeed.)

First attempt: Read 1 Nephi 3:10–15 or watch “Nephi Is Led by the Spirit to Obtain the Plates of Brass” from time code 4:43 to 8:18. This video is available on (It may be helpful to know that casting lots is a way of randomly selecting one option among many.)

Second attempt: Read 1 Nephi 3:22–31; 4:1, or watch “Nephi Is Led by the Spirit to Obtain the Plates of Brass” from time code 8:18 to 15:10.

icon, record
  1. Answer the following questions in your study journal:

    • What could these brothers have learned about themselves from the challenges they had while trying to obey God’s commandment?

    • Why do you think our loving God might allow us to struggle for a time before He provides a way to accomplish His will?

    • How do you think the brothers’ different reactions to what happened influenced their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ? Why?

Applying this account to your life

The Savior can help you overcome obstacles that make it harder to obey His commandments and follow the counsel of His prophets. To help you apply this to your life, answer the following questions in your study journal.

  1. Imagine Nephi giving you counsel about a commandment or the prophet’s counsel that you find difficult to obey. What do you think he might say to you?

  2. What specific actions will you take to obey one of the Lord’s commandments or prophet’s counsels more fully?

  3. What have you seen or experienced that gives you confidence that the Lord will prepare a way for you to obey His commandments and follow His prophet?
