Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Nephi 3:7: “I Will Go and Do the Things Which the Lord Hath Commanded”

“Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Nephi 3:7: ‘I Will Go and Do the Things Which the Lord Hath Commanded,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Nephi 3:7: ‘I Will Go and Do the Things Which the Lord Hath Commanded,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Nephi 3:7

“I Will Go and Do the Things Which the Lord Hath Commanded”

Nephi with Lehi in his tent

In a previous lesson, you learned that the Lord always prepares a way for us to accomplish what He commands us to do. This lesson can help you memorize the reference and key scripture phrase for 1 Nephi 3:7, explain the doctrine, and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to realistic scenarios.

Explain and memorize

One purpose of doctrinal mastery is to allow you to practice explaining the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ in your own words. There are countless ways you can bless the lives of those around you as you better understand and practice explaining the Savior’s doctrine found in His scriptures.

Read 1 Nephi 3:7 and summarize what it teaches in your own words.

Try to think of a situation in which the truths taught in this verse could help someone. Then answer the following questions:

  • What truths from this verse would you share with someone in the situation you thought of? Why?

  • What are different ways God might prepare a way for us to accomplish what He asks?

  • What experiences could you share to illustrate the truth that God prepares a way for us to accomplish whatever He asks us to do?

Take a few minutes to memorize the reference and key scripture phrase for 1 Nephi 3:7: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.” One way to do this is to think of various commandments the Lord has given and repeat in your mind the key scripture phrase after each.

Practice application

We will all face difficult situations and be asked by God to do difficult things in our lives. Applying principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge can help you strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ as you handle these situations.

Read the following scenarios and choose one you would like to focus on for the next activity.

  1. Sarah loves the Lord and wants to serve in His Church. However, she has recently received a Church assignment that she doesn’t feel qualified to accomplish. She accepted the assignment but is hesitant to move forward with it.

  2. Rosa feels down on herself because she struggles to keep a certain commandment. She has obeyed the commandment at times but has not done so consistently.

Act in faith

Read paragraphs 5–7 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2023).

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  1. Answer the following questions:

    • How might Elder Holland’s statement in paragraph 6 help Sarah or Rosa?

    • If Sarah or Rosa can’t immediately accomplish what God asks, how could the truths about Heavenly Father in paragraph 7 help?

    • If you have had thoughts similar to Sarah’s or Rosa’s, what has helped or could help you move forward with faith in Jesus Christ?

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

Read paragraph 8 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Consider marking at least two phrases or ideas that you think could help Sarah or Rosa.

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  1. Answer the following questions:

    • How could each of the phrases you chose help Sarah or Rosa?

    • What do you know about Heavenly Father and how He deals with His children that could help?

    • How could viewing the situation in the context of the plan of salvation help?

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

Read paragraph 11 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.

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  1. Answer the following questions:

    • Where would you advise Sarah or Rosa to look for truths that could help her?

    Take a few minutes to search divinely appointed sources for truths that you feel apply to the situation. One source you could choose is the list of doctrinal mastery passages found at the end of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Consider reading the key scripture phrases of the Book of Mormon passages, looking for ones that could be helpful. Be sure to include 1 Nephi 3:7 as one of your sources.

    • What did you find that you might share?

    • How have the truths you found made a difference in your life?

First 12 Doctrinal Mastery Passages and Key Phrases

Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

Scripture Reference

Key Scripture Phrase

Scripture Reference

1 Nephi 3:7

Key Scripture Phrase

“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.”

Scripture Reference

2 Nephi 2:25

Key Scripture Phrase

“Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.”

Scripture Reference

2 Nephi 2:27

Key Scripture Phrase

“They are free to choose liberty and eternal life … or … captivity and death.”

Scripture Reference

2 Nephi 26:33

Key Scripture Phrase

“All are alike unto God.”

Scripture Reference

2 Nephi 28:30

Key Scripture Phrase

God “will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept.”

Scripture Reference

2 Nephi 32:3

Key Scripture Phrase

“Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.”

Scripture Reference

2 Nephi 32:8–9

Key Scripture Phrase

“Ye must pray always.”

Scripture Reference

Mosiah 2:17

Key Scripture Phrase

“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”

Scripture Reference

Mosiah 2:41

Key Scripture Phrase

“Those that keep the commandments of God … are blessed in all things.”

Scripture Reference

Mosiah 3:19

Key Scripture Phrase

“[Put] off the natural man and [become] a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord.”

Scripture Reference

Mosiah 4:9

Key Scripture Phrase

“Believe in God; … believe that he has all wisdom.”

Scripture Reference

Mosiah 18:8–10

Key Scripture Phrase

Be “baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness … that ye have entered into a covenant with him.”
