2 Nephi 1: Finding Gospel Principles

“2 Nephi 1: Finding Gospel Principles,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“2 Nephi 1: Finding Gospel Principles,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

2 Nephi 1

Finding Gospel Principles

Lehi and Sariah teaching their family

Imagine how you might feel if someone you admired were near the end of his or her life and were sharing some final advice or counsel with you. Lehi knew that he would soon die, so he spoke to his children to inspire them to keep the commandments of God. The truths he taught can be a source of inspiration and guidance for you. This lesson can help you learn to identify principles that, when applied, can guide you to receive God’s help in your life.

What to look for

Review the image below and see how many of the hidden items you can find in the next minute.

Funstuff–Find It!
  • Which items were easy for you to find? Which required more effort?

  • How might your ability to find the hidden objects have changed if you had not known what to look for?

  • How is this activity similar to studying the scriptures?

Your experiences with the scriptures can be enhanced when you look for principles as you study.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained what a principle is:

A gospel principle is a doctrinally based guideline for the righteous exercise of moral agency. Principles derive from broader gospel truths and provide direction and standards as we press forward on the covenant path. (David A. Bednar, “The Principles of My Gospel,” Liahona, May 2021, 123)

Some examples of principles you studied previously in 1 Nephi are if we keep our covenants, we will be armed with righteousness and with the power of God (see 1 Nephi 14:14) and as we liken the scriptures to ourselves, we will learn and profit from them (1 Nephi 19:23).

  • How would you summarize what a principle is?

  • What are some reasons identifying principles can be helpful in our lives?

Finding principles

  • What have you done in the past that has helped you find principles in the scriptures?

  • What has been challenging to you as you have tried to find principles?

One effective way to find principles in the scriptures is to read looking for significant words, phrases, or ideas. The following questions may help you do this:

  • What words or phrases were repeated or seem significant?

  • What warnings or promises were included in these verses?

  • What might be the main idea or point the author was trying to convey?

  • What did the Holy Ghost emphasize to you?

From these words, phrases, or ideas, write a statement of truth that could help you in your life. After writing, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this principle true in all situations, times, and cultures? If not, what adjustments would make it true?

  • Would this principle bring me and others closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

2 Nephi 1 contains some of Lehi’s final counsel to his children before he died. He reminded them of the goodness of God and taught several principles he hoped would guide them throughout their lives.

Read 2 Nephi 1:1–4 looking for true principles. Consider using the bulleted questions listed above.

  • What did you find?

An example of a principle Lehi taught is: we can be protected by the Lord by following His warnings (see 2 Nephi 1:3–4).

After identifying a truth, it is helpful to ponder what it means and how it can help you in your life.

Some of the following questions may be useful:

  • How has the Lord protected you or people you know after following His warnings?

  • What do His warnings teach you about Him and how He feels about you?

Ponder in what ways the Lord may be warning you today and how you may want to respond.

Develop your ability to find principles

Develop your ability to find principles in the scriptures by following this process in the activities below.

Read at least two of the following passages of Lehi’s final counsel to his sons. You could also watch “Lehi Teaches His Family” from time code 0:39 to 3:35, available at, to review these passages. Use the “Finding principles” process to identify true principles.

icon, record
  1. Complete the following:

    Select a truth from 2 Nephi 1 that you feel would be most helpful to you, and write the following in your study journal:

    1. The principle you found and the verse or verses you found it in

    2. An explanation of what you think this principle means

    3. Ways you feel the truth might guide you and bring significant blessings to your life

    4. What you learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from this principle

Reflect on what you did to identify and understand principles in 2 Nephi 1.

  • How can looking for principles consistently in your personal scripture study help you?

  • How might it influence your relationship with Jesus Christ and your desire to become like Him?
