“Alma 23: They ‘Never Did Fall Away,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Alma 23,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Alma 23
They “Never Did Fall Away”
Think about the many forces in the world today that seek to destroy your faith and pull you away from the Lord. What can you do to stand firm and prevent this from happening? We can learn from the examples of thousands of Lamanites who were “converted unto the Lord” and “never did fall away” (Alma 23:6). The purpose of this lesson is to help you desire to be more fully converted to the Lord and identify any obstacles to that conversion.
Standing strong
If possible, stand on one foot for 30 seconds. Think about how hard it would be to stay standing if someone pushed you while you were on one foot.
Now stand on both feet and think about how much easier it would be to stay standing if someone pushed you.
At times, the scriptures compare faithfulness to the Lord to standing steadfast (see Mosiah 4:11; Alma 1:25) and turning away from the Lord to falling (see 2 Nephi 18:15; Helaman 5:12).
What are some reasons people fall away from Jesus Christ and His Church?
Ponder the following questions:
If you were to continue living the way you are now, do you feel you would grow closer to the Lord and His Church or begin to fall away? Why?
What do you know about the Lord and His Church that makes you not want to fall away?
As you study about people who “never did fall away” (Alma 23:6), look for insights and seek guidance for your life through prayer to Heavenly Father and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
Converted unto the Lord
After his conversion, the king of the Lamanites proclaimed religious freedom in the land so the sons of Mosiah could safely preach the gospel.
Read Alma 23:3–5, looking for the effect that preaching had on the people.
At times, the scriptures repeat phrases that are important for us to understand. Read Alma 23:6–13, 15, looking for phrases that indicate why these thousands of converts “never did fall away” (verse 6). Consider marking the repeated phrases.
One truth we can learn from these verses is that as we are converted unto the Lord and lay down our weapons of rebellion, we can always stand faithful to Him.
Answer the following questions:
What does it mean to be “converted unto the Lord”? (Alma 23:6). (If helpful, consider studying “Conversion, Convert” in the Guide to the Scriptures or the Topical Guide).
Why is it important to be converted “unto the Lord” rather than to a missionary or a particular teaching?
Think about what you know about the Savior and ponder why you want to become and stay converted to Him throughout your life. Consider reading some of the following verses to help you:
Answer the following question:
What has helped you and others you know become more converted unto the Lord?
Laying down our weapons of rebellion
To be truly converted to the Lord and never fall away, we must be willing to lay down our weapons of rebellion. The Lamanites’ weapons of rebellion were both literal and symbolic. But for us, these weapons are likely only symbolic.
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that our weapons of rebellion could be “selfishness, pride, and disobedience” (“Converted unto the Lord,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 108). Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that our weapons could be “personal desires that are contrary to being anchored to the Savior and to following the covenant path” (“Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 22).
Complete the following activity and answer the associated questions.
Draw two simple weapons (swords, spears, or other weapons) in your study journal or on a piece of paper. Next to or on each weapon, write a specific and realistic example of an attitude or action contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ that a teenager may have in our day. For example, someone struggling with pride may not listen to his or her parents’ counsel or may feel that prophets are old and out of touch. Or someone else may commit certain sins because he or she thinks God’s commandments are too restrictive.
How might these attitudes or actions affect this person’s conversion to the Lord?
How might laying down or leaving behind these attitudes or actions help someone be more converted to the Lord?
Your weapons of rebellion
To conclude this lesson, seek Heavenly Father’s help through the Holy Ghost to identify what weapons of rebellion you may have. If you identify one, consider writing it in your study journal and drawing a weapon next to it.
Ponder what you may do to lay down your weapons of rebellion and how that commitment may help you to become converted to the Lord and never fall away.