Alma 33: Teaching the Savior’s Gospel

“Alma 33: Teaching the Savior’s Gospel,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Alma 33,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Alma 33

Teaching the Savior’s Gospel

student teaching seminary class

Have you ever felt a desire to follow the Lord more closely but did not know what to do? The poor among the Zoramites asked the prophet Alma how “they should begin to exercise their faith” (Alma 33:1). Alma’s response is important for all disciples of Jesus Christ to understand. This lesson can deepen your understanding of steps you can take to exercise more faith in Jesus Christ.

Gospel questions

  • If you had the chance to ask the prophet of God one or two questions, what would you want to know? Why?

In Alma chapter 32, the prophet Alma had invited the Zoramites to strengthen their testimonies by nurturing the word of God in their hearts. They responded by asking him some important questions.

Read Alma 33:1, looking for the questions they asked the prophet.

  • How do you think a teenager today might reword the question “in what manner they should begin to exercise their faith”?

  • How would you answer that question based on what you know about the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Exercising faith is more than simply believing in Jesus Christ. We exercise faith when we do what the Savior asks and intentionally seek to follow Him. Alma responded to the Zoramites’ question by teaching them multiple ways we can exercise our faith in Jesus Christ.

Choose one of the following three options from Alma’s response that you would like to better understand. Prepare as if you were going to teach a five- to seven-minute lesson about the option you choose. Consider thinking about someone you know and prepare as if you were going to share the lesson with them. You might want to use some of the ideas listed under “Lesson Preparation Ideas” later in the lesson to help you prepare.

Some resources are also available in the “Optional: Want to Learn More?” section at the end of the lesson that might help you.

Option 1: We can exercise faith in God through worshipping Him in prayer. Alma 33:3–11

Additional scriptures to consider: Alma 34:17–27

Option 2: We can exercise faith through believing in God’s Son. Alma 33:12–18

Additional scriptures to consider: John 3:16; 2 Nephi 2:6–8

Option 3: We can exercise faith through looking to Jesus Christ for healing. Alma 33:18–23

Additional scriptures to consider: Numbers 21:4–9; Helaman 8:14–15

Lesson Preparation Ideas

Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)—“Alma 33: Teaching the Savior’s Gospel”

Which option did you choose to focus on?

Consider using some of the following prompts to help you prepare your outline.

Key phrases from verses you might suggest those you teach could mark:

What these verses could help those you teach to understand or feel about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ:

How this truth could impact the lives of those you teach:

Object lessons, or good examples of people living this truth:

Questions you might ask to help those you teach to ponder what Alma taught:

Experiences you have had with what Alma taught:

Additional scriptures or statements from Church leaders:

What you might invite those you teach to do because of what they learned:

Prayerfully consider how you might share what you learned with the person you had in mind when you prepared this lesson.

  1. Write an outline of what you would teach, including details of how you would teach it. Then answer the following questions:

    • What insights did you gain about exercising faith in Jesus Christ today?

    • How did preparing a lesson about it help you gain those insights?
