undefined undefined Alma 32: “Strengthen Your Faith”
Alma 32: “Strengthen Your Faith”

“Alma 32: ‘Strengthen Your Faith,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Alma 32,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Alma 32

“Strengthen Your Faith”

hand holding a seed

Many different objects can be used to help us understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Alma taught the Zoramites, he compared the word of God to a seed we can plant in our hearts that can eventually become “a tree springing up unto everlasting life” (Alma 32:41). This lesson is intended to help you plant the word of God in your heart and nourish your testimony of it.


Making comparisons can be an effective way to teach and learn the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fill in the following blanks. Be creative and see if there is more than one way you could complete the sentences.

  • Life is like because .

  • Smartphones are like because .

  • Gaining a testimony is like because .

As Alma and Amulek were serving among the Zoramites, a group of people expressed concern that they couldn’t worship God since they had been cast out of their places of worship because of their poverty (see Alma 32:5). While we know the Lord has clearly taught the importance of attending His Church on the Sabbath, Alma responded by teaching those who were not allowed to attend Church important truths about worship that can take place in our hearts, regardless of our physical location.

Read the first sentence of Alma 32:28, then read verse 41 and look for a comparison Alma used that can apply to you as well.

  • What similarities do you see between growing a fruit tree from a seed and growing your testimony of Jesus Christ and His teachings?

Alma’s comparison of the word of God to a seed can be applied to gaining a testimony of any aspect of the gospel. Yet Alma later explained that it is a testimony of Jesus Christ that he hoped those Zoramites would plant in their hearts (see Alma 33:22–23).

  • Why is belief in the Savior such an important “seed” to plant in your heart?

Take a moment to think about the current strength of your overall testimony of Jesus Christ and His teachings. Also, ponder if there are specific aspects of your testimony that you would like to strengthen such as Heavenly Father’s love for you or the reality of Joseph Smith’s First Vision. As you continue to study today, look for truths that can help you better understand how to obtain or strengthen your testimony.

Planting and Nourishing the Word of God in Our Hearts

Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)—“Alma 32: ‘Strengthen Your Faith’”

Planting the seed

Read Alma 32:21–23, 26–30, and mark words and phrases that help you understand how to begin growing a testimony.

  • What can make it difficult for people to do this?

  • According to verses 28–30, what can happen when we make room in our hearts for Jesus Christ and His teachings?

icon, record
  1. Do the following:

    Write a one-sentence summary of what you learned from these verses about helping your testimony in its beginning stages.

Nourishing the seed

Alma taught that planting the seed and discovering that it is good is only the first part of growing a testimony. Read Alma 32:37–43, looking for teachings that help you understand how to help a testimony continue to grow.

  • What are some examples of how someone could neglect his or her testimony of Jesus Christ and His teachings?

  • What are some ways you can nourish your testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel to help it grow stronger?

  1. Do the following:

    Write a one-sentence summary of what you learned from these verses about strengthening a testimony that is already growing inside of you.

Your testimony

To help you see how Alma’s comparison relates to your testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel, draw a diagram like the following into your study journal. Spread your picture out across the page so there will be room to write under each growth stage.

growth stages of a fruit tree

Take a moment to compare your testimony of the Savior and His teachings to the growth of a fruit tree. Choose several aspects of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and write each one under the growth stages that you feel best represent your current testimony in those areas.

For example, one person could write “Jesus Christ lives” under the fruit tree and “priesthood power” under the seed. That person could then write other aspects of the Savior’s gospel, such as “a living prophet,” “temple work,” “the Book of Mormon,” and “prayer,” under the growth stages that represent his or her testimony in each of those areas.

Make a plan for how you will try to apply Alma’s teachings to your life. You could think of what you might do to “give place” in your heart and life for an aspect of your testimony to sprout. You could also consider how you can “nourish” the parts of your testimony that have already started growing. Record your thoughts, impressions, and goals in your study journal.