“Alma 40: The Spirit World and Resurrection,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)
“Alma 40,” Book of Mormon Student Manual
Alma 40
The Spirit World and Resurrection
After his father invited him to repent, Corianton had some questions about God’s plan, including what happens to us after we die. His father, Alma, answered his questions and testified of Jesus Christ’s central role in Heavenly Father’s plan. This lesson can help you deepen your appreciation for what the Savior has done for you and will give you an opportunity to explain what happens after we die.
Sister Reyna I. Aburto, a counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, shared a personal experience that illustrates questions we may have about what happens after we die. Watch the video “The Grave Has No Victory,” available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, from time code 4:21 to 5:13, or read the following statement:
When I was nine years old, I lost my older brother during a devastating earthquake. Because it happened unexpectedly, it took me a while to grasp the reality of what had occurred. I was heartbroken by sorrow, and I would ask myself, “What happened to my brother? Where is he? Where did he go? Will I ever see him again?”
Back then I did not yet know about God’s plan of salvation, and I had the desire to know where we come from, what the purpose of life is, and what happens to us after we die. Don’t we all have those yearnings when we lose a loved one or when we go through difficulties in our lives? (Reyna I. Aburto, “The Grave Has No Victory,” Liahona, May 2021, 86)
Alma’s son Corianton also had concerns about life after death.
Read Alma 40:1, looking for what worried Corianton.
Why do you think he may have worried about this?
Recall that Corianton had broken God’s commandments, including the law of chastity. Because of his choices, he may have worried about his condition after this life. To address Corianton’s worries and help him repent, Alma taught him doctrine. Alma’s response to Corianton’s worries can also help someone who has questions like Sister Aburto did.
Sister Aburto was later taught by missionaries who helped her find answers to her questions. Imagine that you are one of those missionaries and are preparing to teach her. Use the following resources to prepare a short explanation to help answer Sister Aburto’s questions.
Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)—“Alma 40: The Spirit World and Resurrection”
Read Alma 40:2–5, 23–24 to see what Alma taught Corianton. Then use the following resources to help you further prepare what you would teach.
Guide to the Scriptures, “Resurrection,” scriptures.ChurchofJesusChrist.org
President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency taught:
The Great Plan
We celebrate the reality of the Resurrection in this Easter season. This gives us the perspective and strength to endure the mortal challenges faced by each of us and those we love, such things as the physical, mental, or emotional deficiencies we acquire at birth or experience during our mortal lives. Because of the Resurrection, we know that these mortal deficiencies are only temporary! (Dallin H. Oaks, “The Great Plan,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 94–95)
Prepare how you would explain answers to the following questions:
What is resurrection? Who will be resurrected?
According to Alma 40:2–3, what makes the Resurrection possible?
How can our knowledge of the Resurrection bless us during our mortal lives?
When teaching, be sure to make it clear that because Jesus Christ was resurrected, all of us will also be resurrected. Share one reason you are grateful for the promise of resurrection.
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You may want to watch the video “What Happens to Our Bodies and Spirits after We Die?” (4:19), available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org, looking for other truths you could explain as you teach.
What Happens to Our Bodies and Spirits after We Die?
Write a brief explanation of what you would teach Sister Aburto. Include the truths you found, and consider sharing your testimony about Jesus Christ’s role in the spirit world and resurrection. You might also share what you wrote with someone else.
Answer at least two of the following questions:
Why is what you learned about the spirit world and resurrection important to you?
How does this knowledge affect your feelings toward Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
What are some questions you had that have been answered today?
What questions do you want to continue seeking answers to?