undefined undefined Alma 57: Striving to Obey the Commandments Continually
Alma 57: Striving to Obey the Commandments Continually

“Alma 57: Striving to Obey the Commandments Continually,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Alma 57,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Alma 57

Striving to Obey the Commandments Continually

wounded stripling warriors

What is your attitude toward keeping the commandments? Why does your attitude matter? While fighting in another dangerous battle, the stripling warriors obeyed “every word of command with exactness,” putting “their trust in God continually” (Alma 57:21, 27). This lesson is designed to help you strive to obey God’s commands continually.

Attitudes toward the commandments

Describe three different attitudes someone might have toward keeping the commandments of God and why.

Take a moment to write the answers to the following questions in your study journal:

  • What is your attitude toward keeping the commandments of God? Why does your attitude matter?

  • If you are not currently striving to keep the commandments the best you can, what is keeping you from doing so?

As you study today, look for principles about obedience that may inspire and motivate you and help you with any questions or concerns. Ponder how they can apply to and bless your life.

Stripling warriors

In the previous lesson, you learned how the 2,000 stripling warriors helped Antipus and his men defeat “the strongest” and “most numerous” Lamanite army in that part of the land (see Alma 56:34). In Alma 57, Helaman continued his letter to Captain Moroni. Sixty more sons of the people of Ammon joined his army (see Alma 57:6), and the 2,060 young warriors faced another threat. The Lamanites attacked the Nephites and were about to overpower them when Helaman and his men were joined by a group of soldiers who had previously been conveying Lamanite prisoners (see Alma 57:1–18).

Two scripture study skills that can deepen your study of this account and help you apply its lessons to your life are to identify and ponder important words or phrases.

Read Alma 57:19–23 to see what happened. Consider marking words and phrases that describe Helaman’s stripling warriors.

In verse 21, consider marking how Helaman described the obedience of these young men. Read Alma 58:40, looking for the warriors’ attitude toward God and His commandments after the next military threat.

  • What do you think it means to “perform every word of command with exactness” (Alma 57:21) and “observe to keep … his commandments continually” (Alma 58:40)?

  • How does our faith in and remembrance of Jesus Christ influence our desire and ability to obey God’s commandments?

Read Alma 57:24–27, looking for words or phrases that show how the sons of Helaman were blessed in their second battle because of their faith in and obedience to God.

  • What did you learn from this account that could relate to your life today?

One principle we can learn is if we put our trust in God and strive to keep His commands continually, then He will bless us by His marvelous power.

  • How can knowing that there is “a just God” who has “miraculous” and “marvelous power” (Alma 57:26) affect our attitude toward obeying Him?

  • What attitude do you think the Lord might want us to have when we strive to keep His commandments but fall short of perfect obedience? How does your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ help answer this question?

It is important to understand that as we are obedient to His commands, God will bless us in His own way and time. In both of their battles, the stripling warriors were blessed to have their lives preserved despite dangerous fighting and injuries.

icon, record
  1. Complete at least two of the following, and write what you learn:

    1. Read at least two of the following passages to increase your understanding of the purposes of God’s commandments and how He may bless you for your obedience: Abraham 3:25; John 14:15; Mosiah 2:41; Alma 9:13.

    2. Think of examples of the Savior’s obedience to Heavenly Father, and ponder what you learn from His example. Elder Robert D. Hales (1932–2017) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that “our love of the Savior is the key to Savior-like obedience” (“If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 37). Think of some of the reasons you love the Savior and how that love affects your attitude toward obeying the commandments.

    3. Reflect on ways you have been obedient to God’s commandments and the blessings He has given you for your obedience.

  1. Complete the following writing activity and answer the questions below:

    Think of one of God’s commandments. Describe what it might realistically look like for a teenager today to strive to remember the Lord and obey this commandment continually. Then describe what blessings a teenager who obeys this way might receive.

    • What are some reasons we may feel tempted not to do our best to obey a commandment? How might we overcome these temptations?

    • How does striving to keep the commandments continually require us to rely on the Savior Jesus Christ?

    To conclude this lesson, make a goal in your study journal as to how you would like to “remember the Lord [your] God from day to day; [and] … observe to keep … his commandments continually” (Alma 58:40). You might select a particular commandment you would like to obey better. As part of your goal, consider giving yourself a time period—for example, “I will strive to sincerely pray morning and night for the next five days” or “I am going to on the Sabbath day for the next four weeks.”