Alma 56: 2,000 Stripling Warriors

“Alma 56: 2,000 Stripling Warriors,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“Alma 56,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

Alma 56

2,000 Stripling Warriors

Lamanite mother hugging a younger son as an older son holding a spear prepares to leave

We can learn great lessons from the faithful example of youth in the Lord’s Church. During a time of great war, Helaman led 2,000 valiant young men to victories that saved many lives. This lesson is intended to help you understand that as you courageously exercise faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord will bless you with His power.

Having courage

Imagine how you would feel, and why, if you were asked to do the following:

  • Serve a full-time mission

  • Keep the commandments even if they are unpopular

  • Speak in church or teach a lesson

  • What doubts might you feel tempted to have in these situations?

In your study journal, write one thing the Lord may want you to do now or soon that may be scary or difficult for you. You can also record any doubts or concerns you might have. (You will return to this entry later in the lesson.)

Ponder what you would have to know or understand to face this task with confidence. As you study, seek the Lord’s guidance to help you find and understand truths that will help you.

Helaman’s epistle to Moroni

Alma 56–58 is a letter that Helaman wrote to Captain Moroni during the war. Helaman wrote about a group of young men from the Anti-Nephi-Lehies known as the 2,000 stripling warriors. These young men led by Helaman joined with an army led by Antipus and prepared to defend their land and families against the Lamanites (see Alma 56:9–12).

icon, record
  1. Complete the following:

The Situation the 2,000 Stripling Warriors Faced

Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)—“Alma 56: 2,000 Stripling Warriors”

To learn about a scary and difficult situation the sons of Helaman faced, read the following verses and match them to the correct summary statements.

1.___Alma 56:30–33

a. Antipus ordered Helaman and his 2,000 warriors to pass by Antiparah in an attempt to draw the Lamanites out of the city.

2.___Alma 56:34–38

b. After three days, the 2,000 warriors could no longer see the Lamanites behind them. They did not know if Antipus’s army had caught up to the Lamanites or if the Lamanites were trying to lure them into a trap. Helaman asked his young soldiers if they were willing to go to battle.

3.___Alma 56:39–42

c. When the Lamanites left the city to attack the 2,000 warriors, Antipus’s army followed the Lamanites.

4.___Alma 56:43–44

d. Instead of turning to fight Antipus, the Lamanites sped up, hoping to slay Helaman’s army before Antipus could attack from behind.

Deciding whether to fight

Imagine you had been with the stripling warriors and were asked whether you were prepared to go to battle. How might you respond? What would impact your decision?

Read Alma 56:45–48, looking for what these young men decided to do and why.

  • According to verse 46, what did these young men know?

  • Who taught them this truth? (See Alma 56:47–48.)

  • How might this truth have given them the courage to go into battle?

Imagine how God may have felt as these young men trusted so entirely in Him while in a frightening and challenging situation.

Protection in battle

Read Alma 56:49–56, and look for what happened as the stripling warriors courageously “did not doubt” (Alma 56:47), or in other words, exercised their faith in God.

  • What did you learn from these verses?

One of the principles we can learn from the stripling warriors is that as we have the courage to act in faith, we will receive strength from God.

It is important to know that while God preserved all of Helaman’s army, He may not always physically preserve the faithful. But He will always bless them in ways He knows will benefit their souls (see Alma 60:12–13).

  • What does this account teach you about God and His strength?

  1. Select and complete one of the following activities to help you liken the account of Helaman’s army to us and our day.

Option A. Real-life situations

Identify a situation in which today’s youth may need to choose to courageously act in faith like Helaman’s faithful young soldiers did. List a few doubts youth might have in that situation. Then list one or two ways youth could exercise faith in God despite having doubts. Share ways that Heavenly Father might bless them with strength as they act in faith.

Option B. Their mothers taught them

Write about your mother or another woman in your life who, like the mothers of the stripling warriors, has taught you to have faith in God and Jesus Christ. Take a moment to record what she has taught you both in word and by example and how she has influenced you. You might include ways you have followed her example to exercise faith in the Lord and experience His strength.

Think about one thing the Lord may want you to do now or soon that may be scary or difficult for you. You can also recall any doubts or concerns you might have. In your study journal, write what you know about God and what you learned about Him from the account of the stripling warriors that may help you in this situation. You may include ways you feel inspired to show faith in Him and how He may strengthen you.
