3 Nephi 8–10: The Voice of the Savior in the Darkness

“3 Nephi 8–10: The Voice of the Savior in the Darkness,” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“3 Nephi 8–10,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

3 Nephi 8–10

The Voice of the Savior in the Darkness

family with a girl who is blind feeling the sun for the first time since the three days of darkness following Jesus Christ’s crucifixion

In the Americas, extreme destruction and darkness marked the Savior’s crucifixion. Sometime during the three days of penetrating darkness, Jesus Christ spoke to the people. Then and now, natural disasters, suffering, and trials can be opportunities to learn about and turn to Jesus Christ. This lesson will identify characteristics of Jesus Christ that can help you feel greater love for and trust in Him.

“A great storm”

tornado traveling through field
lightning storm
hurricane rains and wind hit a town

Think about times when you have experienced violent storms or natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornados. What are these experiences like?

When Jesus Christ was crucified in Jerusalem, a terrible storm and earthquake in the Americas caused great destruction. These events fulfilled Samuel the Lamanite’s prophecies about the signs of the Savior’s death (see Helaman 14:20–27).

To learn about the details of these destructive events, read 3 Nephi 8:5–22. You could also watch the video, “Jesus Christ Appears in the Ancient Americas,” from time codes 0:00–3:19. This video is available at

  • What might you have been thinking or feeling if you had experienced these things?

In the years leading up to this destruction, most of the Nephites had turned from the Lord and cast out the prophets that God had sent to preach to them (see 3 Nephi 7:7–8, 14, 21).

Read 3 Nephi 8:23–25, looking for how survivors reacted after experiencing these destructive events.

  • How would you describe their feelings?

Truths about Jesus Christ

As the people mourned in the darkness, they heard the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to them. He named many cities and explained that those cities and people had been destroyed because of their wickedness. He then taught the people many important truths about Himself.

To help you organize these truths, create a heading in your study journal titled: Learning about Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi. You may want to reserve multiple pages in your study journal so you can add truths to this list during your study of the Savior’s ministry among the Nephites over the next few weeks.

Read 3 Nephi 9:13–22 and 10:4–12, looking for what Jesus Christ taught these people about Himself. Write these truths under the heading in your study journal.

  1. List the truths you learned about Jesus Christ in your study of 3 Nephi 9–10. Then answer at least two of the following questions:

    • What did the Savior teach about Himself that was especially significant to you? Why?

    • How can the truths you have learned about Jesus Christ impact your love for and trust in Him?

    • What situations have you been in, or might you be in, where remembering one or more of these truths will be important?
