3 Nephi 20–22: “I Will Gather My People Together”

“3 Nephi 20–22: ‘I Will Gather My People Together,’” Book of Mormon Student Manual (2024)

“3 Nephi 20–22,” Book of Mormon Student Manual

3 Nephi 20–22

“I Will Gather My People Together”

Jesus Christ with outstretched arms

Can you think of a time in your life when it was helpful to be with other people? Why do you think the Lord has repeatedly instructed His people to gather physically and spiritually? During the Savior’s ministry among the Nephites, He declared that Heavenly Father would remember His covenant to gather scattered Israel. He revealed signs to help us recognize when the latter-day gathering had begun. This lesson can help you participate in the gathering of Israel.

Being gathered

Take a moment to think of situations in which you or those you know felt lonely, unsafe, or like you did not belong.

  • How might being part of a group help with these concerns?

  • What are the advantages to being in a group with the Lord and those who follow Him?

Ponder the following statements. Rate how well these statements apply to you, using “mostly,” “sometimes,” or “rarely.”

  • I feel I have a relationship with the Lord and that He protects, redeems, and loves me.

  • I recognize ways the Lord invites me to come to Him and receive these blessings.

  • I seek to help others be gathered to the Lord and feel safety and belonging.

As you study this lesson, consider ways the Lord seeks to safely gather you and others to Him and His Church. Ponder how you can help the Lord in His sacred work of gathering.

“I will gather”

On the second day of the Savior’s visit to the Americas, after the Savior prayed for and blessed the people, He miraculously administered the sacrament to them. Then He prophesied about His covenant people in the latter days. To understand His prophecies, it is important to remember the following:

  • The Lord previously promised Abraham and his descendants, including Jacob (also named Israel), that they would have access to all the blessings of the gospel and the priesthood (see Abraham 2:6–11).

  • Israel’s descendants, including the Nephites, had been scattered throughout the world. The Lord promised to gather them again to receive the blessings of the gospel.

  • Any who join the Church who are not literal descendants of Israel are adopted into Israel and can receive all of the same blessings.

Read 3 Nephi 20:11–13, 18, 22, looking for what the Lord promised to do. It may be helpful to know the following:

  • What did you discover?

One truth we can learn from these verses is that God will fulfill His covenant to gather the house of Israel in the last days.

To help you see how the Lord has already begun to fulfill this covenant, answer the following:

  • What are some ways the Lord is bringing us “to the knowledge of the Lord … who hath redeemed [us]”? (3 Nephi 20:13).

  • Though the prophecies about the New Jerusalem will be fulfilled in the Millennium, how do those who follow the Savior have “the powers of heaven … in [their] midst” now? (3 Nephi 20:22). In what ways can we have the Lord “in the midst of” us? (3 Nephi 20:22).

  • How can these blessings help us in our lives (including when we feel lonely, unsafe, or like we do not belong)?

Signs of the latter-day gathering

The Lord promised signs in our day to indicate that He has begun gathering His people.

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  1. After matching the following references to their correct explanations, answer the question below.

    The answers are located at the end of the lesson.

  1. 3 Nephi 20:25–27

  1. “A great and a marvelous work,” or the Restoration of Christ’s Church through His servant Joseph Smith, is a sign of the gathering.

  1. 3 Nephi 21:1–2, 7

  1. The coming forth of the Book of Mormon, “these things which [the Lord declared],” is a sign that the Lord is gathering the house of Israel.

  1. 3 Nephi 21:9–11

  1. Through those who have made covenants with the Lord, “all the kindreds of the earth [will] be blessed.”

  • Why do you think the Lord wants us to recognize the signs of His gathering?

How have you been gathered?

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  1. Answer the following:

    • How has one of the following helped you be gathered to the Lord and enjoy the blessings He offers?

      • Members of the Church who keep their covenants

      • The Book of Mormon

      • The Church

“All the kindreds of the earth [shall] be blessed”

As covenant members of the Church, it is our responsibility to help “all the kindreds of the earth be blessed” through the gospel of Jesus Christ (3 Nephi 20:27). The following activities can help you ponder how to assist the Lord in His gathering.

  1. Do one of the following:

    1. Read for several minutes in the Book of Mormon, looking for verses or phrases that help you come to the Lord, feel His love, and gain the blessings He offers. Record the references or key phrases in your study journal. Think of ways you might share these verses with others.

    2. Prepare what you might say or write to share the Book of Mormon with someone. Include your feelings about the book and how you think it could help them come closer to the Savior.

    3. Prepare what you could say to invite someone to attend church or a church activity with you. Include your thoughts on how it could help them, especially how it could help them come closer to the Lord.

As you study this week, prayerfully select one way you can help gather Israel. Other ideas will be presented in future lessons. Seek the Lord’s guidance to know which may be best for you to do.

Activity answers: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a