A few years before the Savior’s birth, the Lord sent a Lamanite prophet named Samuel to preach repentance to the Nephites. He declared to the Nephites in Zarahemla the glad tidings of redemption through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He also confronted them about their rejection of the prophets and their disposition to seek happiness in iniquity. He warned them of the destruction that would come to them if they did not repent.
Samuel warns the Nephites of their destruction if they do not repent
Before class, prepare the handouts of the three mini-lessons found later in this lesson. Also before class, copy the following outline of Helaman 13 on the board.
Begin the lesson by displaying the picture Samuel the Lamanite on the Wall (Gospel Art Book [2009], no. 81; see also lds.org/media-library). Ask students if they know why the Nephites wanted to kill Samuel. After students respond, explain that Helaman 13–16 contains the account of the Lamanite prophet Samuel. This account is unique because for the only time in the Book of Mormon we learn of a Lamanite prophet calling the Nephites to repentance. During this time, the Lamanites were more righteous than the Nephites. Refer to the outline on the board to give students a brief overview of Helaman 13.
Tell students that today they are each going to have an opportunity to teach a segment of Helaman 13 to other students. Assign each student one of the following mini-lessons to study. (If possible, each mini-lesson should have an equal number of students assigned to study it.) Give each student a copy of his or her mini-lesson. Instruct students to prepare to teach their mini-lessons by silently reading through the instructions and scripture passages included in their mini-lessons. Explain that they will each have about five minutes to prepare and seven minutes to teach. (You may need to adapt these times to fit your class length.)
After students have had sufficient time to prepare, assign them to work in groups of three. If possible, each group should include one student who studied Helaman 13:1–7, one who studied Helaman 13:8–14, and one who studied Helaman 13:24–33. As each student teaches his or her mini-lesson to the other members of the group, you may want to occasionally inform students about the amount of time they have left to teach. Walk around the classroom and assist students as needed.
After students have had time to teach each other, invite a few of them to share with the entire class something they learned during the activity. Invite students to write in their class notebooks or study journals about one way they can improve in following the counsel of living prophets.
Summarize Helaman 13:34–39 by explaining that Samuel the Lamanite continued to describe the regret and sorrow the Nephites would someday experience if they procrastinated their repentance. He taught them that they could not be happy in doing iniquity and counseled them again to repent and be saved.
Encourage students to follow through on any impressions they have received from the Holy Ghost. Testify that happiness will come to those who heed the Lord’s invitation to repent.