1 Nephi 10; 11:1–6: “That I Might See, and Hear, and Know”

“1 Nephi 10; 11:1–6: ‘That I Might See, and Hear, and Know” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“1 Nephi 10; 11:1–6: ‘That I Might See, and Hear, and Know” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

1 Nephi 10; 11:1–6

“That I Might See, and Hear, and Know”

Nephi praying

When have you been motivated to find out if something you heard was true? What efforts did you make and who did you rely on for help? After hearing his father, Lehi, teach about the tree of life and prophesy of the coming of Jesus Christ, Nephi desired to learn the truth of his father’s words for himself. This lesson can help you in your efforts to diligently seek knowledge from the Lord.

Asking questions that invite discovery. Asking relevant and open-ended questions, then allowing students to search the scriptures for answers, can provide meaningful and powerful opportunities for students to discover doctrine and principles for themselves. These types of questions show students that answers can be found in the scriptures and that they are capable of finding those answers.

Student preparation: Invite students to ask a parent or youth leader what they do to diligently seek truth from God or how the Holy Ghost reveals truth to them. Encourage students to come prepared to share an idea with the class.

Possible Learning Activities

When prophets speak

BYU Pathway Worldwide Inauguration

Rather than using the scenario below, you might begin the lesson by sharing a few statements made by the current prophet and apostles that declare doctrine or invite individuals to act in faith. Display or read the statements aloud and invite students to privately determine which of the three statements reflects their feelings: (1) I believe it and am ready to act on it, (2) I believe it but do not intend to act on it, and (3) I’m not sure that I believe that. Ensure that students understand there is no right or wrong response and they do not need to share how they rate themselves.

Imagine that during a worldwide devotional for youth, the prophet extended several invitations for youth to act in faith.

  • What are some of the different reactions youth might have?

  • Why do you think these different responses would occur?

  • How might these reactions influence their lives now or in the future?

Think about how you have reacted to prophets’ teachings and why. How have your reactions influenced you? As you study this lesson, seek to learn from the different reactions to prophetic teachings in the scriptures and ponder how they may apply to you.

A desire to know

After the prophet Lehi related his vision of the tree of life to his family (see 1 Nephi 8), he testified that Jesus Christ would accomplish His Atonement (see 1 Nephi 10:1–16). Lehi’s sons had different reactions to his inspired teachings.

To facilitate increased student participation and discussion, consider dividing the class into smaller groups to study these verses together. With students in groups, be aware of how they are working together, and use your influence to help them be successful.

Read 1 Nephi 10:17–19 and 15:1–3, 8–9, comparing how Nephi, Laman, and Lemuel responded to their father’s words. You may want to mark words and phrases that stand out to you.

Consider displaying the following questions for class members to discuss. You may want to rotate between the groups and listen to how students respond.

  • What differences did you see between how Nephi and his brothers responded to the same message?

  • What did Nephi believe about God? What did Laman and Lemuel believe? (See 1 Nephi 10:17–18; 15:9.)

  • How do you think their different beliefs and reactions will influence them?

One of the truths Nephi understood is that God reveals truth to us through the Holy Ghost when we diligently seek Him.

Consider writing the bolded statement on the board.

  • What are some things Nephi had already experienced that helped him come to this knowledge about God?

If students struggle to answer, you may invite them to review 1 Nephi 2:16 and 1 Nephi 4:6–13 or to summarize these events.

Thinking about Nephi’s experiences may bring to mind past experiences you have had when Heavenly Father has revealed truth to you. You may want to note how He has blessed you in your study journal.

This could be one of several opportunities during the lesson when students may want to share personal experiences.

Seeking truth from God

Nephi learned that Heavenly Father blesses us with the Holy Ghost as we seek truth from Him. To look more closely at this truth, make two columns on a page in your study journal. Label one column “Ways to diligently seek truth from God” and the other “Ways God reveals truth through the Holy Ghost.” Add several ideas you can think of in each column. You may want to include insights you learned from 1 Nephi 10:17–19.

A different option could be for small groups to use one piece of paper, passing the paper from person to person several times. Each student would add one idea in either column as they receive the paper. This activity could also be done by the entire class on the board. If time permits, consider encouraging students to include scripture references that support their suggestions.

Read 1 Nephi 11:1–6, looking for what Nephi did to seek truth and how the Spirit helped him. Mark specific words or phrases that stand out to you. You may want to make additions to the columns in your study journal.

Consider inviting students to share what they found meaningful. After students share, you might ask follow-up questions like “Why do you think the Spirit rejoiced?” (see verse 6) or “How do you think pondering can lead to revelation?”

To see how a modern-day Apostle sought answers from the Lord as a young man, watch the video “How I #Hear Him: Elder Ronald A. Rasband” (2:55), found on Think about how Elder Rasband followed a similar pattern of seeking truth and was blessed by the Lord. Add any new ideas to the columns in your study journal.


Look over what you have recorded about how God reveals truth through the Holy Ghost as we diligently seek Him. Think about how you may have seen some of these to be true in your own life. In what ways has your relationship with Heavenly Father been strengthened as you have earnestly sought Him?

If the experiences are not too personal, invite several students to share. Consider sharing personal experiences as well. Seek to emphasize how the principle of this lesson is true and relevant in our lives today.

Personal revelation matters

Because Nephi desired to learn for himself and turned to the Lord for answers, he saw what his father, Lehi, saw and was shown many future events that would take place on the earth. (To learn more about Nephi’s vision, see 1 Nephi 11–14.) Nephi’s vision of the strait and narrow path was life-changing for him. He later recorded his encouragement for all to follow that same path (see 2 Nephi 31:18–21).

Invite students to respond to the following questions in their study journals:

  • What have you learned about why your responses to inspired teachings matter?

  • How might you apply what you have learned about diligently seeking truth?

  • What have you learned about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that inspires you to draw closer to Them?