Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:3—“Feast upon the Words of Christ; for Behold, the Words of Christ Will Tell You All Things What Ye Should Do”

“Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:3—‘Feast upon the Words of Christ; for Behold, the Words of Christ Will Tell You All Things What Ye Should Do,’” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:3,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:3

“Feast upon the Words of Christ; for Behold, the Words of Christ Will Tell You All Things What Ye Should Do”

scriptures and apple

In a previous lesson, “2 Nephi 32:1–7,” you learned the importance of feasting upon the words of Christ. This lesson can help you memorize the doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase for 2 Nephi 32:3, explain the doctrine, and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in real-life situations.

Power through scripture study. Meaningful, personal scripture study will help you grow in your understanding of the Savior’s gospel and His Atonement, as well as teach and testify with greater power. Students will be blessed and inspired by your personal witness of how the scriptures bless your life.

Student preparation: Students may have had a chance to practice “feasting upon the words of Christ” at the end of the previous lesson. Invite them to continue to practice in their personal scripture study and come to class prepared to share about their experience.

Possible Learning Activities

This doctrinal mastery passage lesson is designed to be taught after the lesson “2 Nephi 32:1–7,” which is the contextual lesson for the doctrinal mastery passage 2 Nephi 32:3. If this doctrinal mastery passage lesson needs to be moved to a different week, be sure to teach the corresponding contextual lesson during that week as well.

Explain and memorize

Use any effective method to help students memorize the scripture reference and key scripture phrase for 2 Nephi 32:3 and to explain the truths found in this passage.

The following activities are suggestions of how this might be accomplished.

Imagine that you have been asked to give a short devotional thought in seminary about the importance of studying the scriptures. Read 2 Nephi 32:3 and recall the principle when we feast upon the words of Jesus Christ, they will tell us all things we should do.

  • How might you use what you learned in the previous lesson, and your personal experience, to explain what it means to “feast upon the words of Christ”? (2 Nephi 32:3).

  • What difference could feasting upon the words of Christ make in the life of youth?

This could be a good place to invite students to include their own experiences as they share their thoughts from the preparation activity.

Consider providing materials to help students complete the following activity. They could be invited to do this in their study journals. You may adjust this activity to allow students to draw an image more reflective of their culture.

To help you memorize and apply this passage, draw a table setting on a piece of paper. It may be similar to the image below. You might also draw pictures of food or scriptures on the plate. Write the phrase “2 Nephi 32:3—Feast upon the words of Christ, for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do” somewhere on your page. Read this phrase multiple times until you have it memorized. Consider posting your drawing somewhere in your home or on the refrigerator where you can review it each time you eat.

place setting

After sufficient time, invite students to share their drawings in small groups or with the class.

Practice application

Divide the class into groups of three, with each student selecting a different principle of acquiring spiritual knowledge (see Doctrinal Mastery Core Document [2023], “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” paragraphs 5–12). Ask students to briefly review the principle and then to explain it to their group.

Then share the following scenario. Or if it would be more relevant to your students, consider asking them to make a list of reasons a person may struggle with studying their scriptures. Students could then be invited to select a struggle from the list and work to overcome it by using the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

  • How would you briefly explain the principle you selected to someone who may be unfamiliar with it?

Imagine that after a seminary lesson about the importance of daily scripture study, your friend says to you, “I know studying the scriptures is a good thing to do, but with all the things going on in my life right now, I just don’t have time, especially not every day.”

It may be effective to ask students if they can relate to this situation and why.

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

  • What would you want your friend to know about Jesus Christ or the plan of salvation that could help them want to strive to feast on His words every day?

  • How might regularly feasting upon the words of Christ affect us over time, even eternally?

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

Imagine that after discussing an eternal perspective, your friend says, “Thanks. That helps a little. But I still think I will struggle to find time every day to study my scriptures.”

  • How do you think 2 Nephi 32:3 could help your friend?

  • What scriptures or statements from prophets may help your friend?

Consider giving students time to find scriptures and statements.

Some examples may include Doctrine and Covenants 26:1 as well as the following statement from Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

Don’t yield to Satan’s lie that you don’t have time to study the scriptures. Choose to take time to study them. Feasting on the word of God each day is more important than sleep, school, work, television shows, video games, or social media. You may need to reorganize your priorities to provide time for the study of the word of God. If so, do it! (Richard G. Scott, “Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 93)

  • How might these teachings help?

Act in faith

Give students time to ponder the following suggestion and questions. After sufficient time, invite a few students to share their answers with the class. You might also share your personal testimony of scripture study with the class.

Imagine that your friend reacts well to what you have shared, but you know they will not truly overcome their concern until they act in faith, trusting in the Lord.

Take time to consider personal experiences you have had with the words of Christ and what you know about the Savior that may motivate your friend to feast upon His words daily.

  • What experiences or testimony could you share that might help your friend act in faith?

  • What have you learned that you feel could help you improve your personal scripture study?

Doctrinal mastery review

During an upcoming lesson, spend a few minutes reviewing the scripture reference and key phrase for 2 Nephi 32:3. One way to do this is to display the following scrambled passage and key scripture phrase and invite students to unscramble it:

words should you 32: behold, Christ words Feast what 2 Christ; upon tell ye of Nephi the 3 the for of will all do. things

Another option could be to write each of these words on a small piece of paper and give one or more to each student. Invite students to work together to put it in order.

Answer: 2 Nephi 32:3 Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.
