“Enos–Words of Mormon: Overview,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2023)
“Enos–Words of Mormon,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual
Enos–Words of Mormon
The books from Enos to Words of Mormon cover hundreds of years and introduce us to a variety of prophets and inspired men. Enos, the son of Jacob and grandson of Lehi, prayed unto God “in mighty prayer” for his sins (Enos 1:4). The books of Jarom and Omni contain various teachings that can bless our lives. Mormon was guided by the Spirit of the Lord to include the small plates “for a wise purpose,” according to the Lord’s will (see Words of Mormon 1:3–7). And King Benjamin taught his sons the important role of scriptures in their faith.
Prepare to Teach
The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.
Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students exercise faith in Jesus Christ and repent to receive forgiveness.
Student preparation: Invite students to read Enos 1:1–8 before class, reflecting on how Enos felt and what he learned about the Lord and being forgiven of his sins. Consider asking students to ponder how they think this experience may have changed Enos’s life.
Videoconference teaching suggestion: After inviting students to ponder significant phrases from Enos 1:1–8, consider allowing them to share these using the whiteboard feature. Students could choose one of these phrases that they want to understand better and add notes from their study next to the phrase. They could then be asked to explain their notes.
Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students practice identifying and applying principles from the scriptures that can bless and guide their lives.
Student preparation: As students do their daily scripture study, invite them to practice identifying principles that can help them in their lives. Encourage them to come prepared to share at least one principle they found.
Image: An image of a ship with a helm, either displayed or drawn on the board
Video: “With All Your Heart” (3:26)
Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider starting the class with this question: “Imagine your journey through life is like a ship sailing on the ocean. What are some things you could compare to the steering wheel or helm that guides the ship on the journey?” Invite students to answer the question using the chat feature. Read aloud some of their answers before showing the statement from Elder David A. Bednar.
The Words of Mormon
Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students feel reassured that the Lord knows all things and that His work will be accomplished.
Student preparation: Students could ask a parent or Church leader how they have been guided or blessed by responding to a spiritual impression or prompting.
Video: “The Work of God” (13:35; watch from time code 6:52 to 11:30)
Videoconference teaching suggestion: When students read 1 Nephi 9:5–6 and Words of Mormon 1:7–8, consider dividing the class into breakout rooms to discuss the questions and identify principles they find. Depending on the size of each group, one student from each group could share with the class what their group discussed for 1 Nephi 9:5–6, and then a different student from each group could share what their group discussed for Words of Mormon 1:7–8.
Words of Mormon 1:12–18; Mosiah 1
Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students increase their desire to study the scriptures.
Student preparation: Invite students to do their personal scripture study and ponder how it affects them, especially their feelings and trust in Jesus Christ.
Videos: “Scriptures Legacy” (22:29; watch from time code 0:00 to 5:36 and from 5:40 to 6:20); “The Blessings of Scripture” (3:03); “An Invitation to Study the Book of Mormon” (16:21; watch from time code 6:17 to 9:00); “What Scriptures Mean to Me” (5:03)
Videoconference teaching suggestion: Near the end of the lesson, when students can select a few activities about scripture study to do, consider doing the video activity as a class. Have one of the videos downloaded and invite students to watch it looking for examples of how scripture study can bless our lives and increase our faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Invite them to share their thoughts before selecting two of the remaining activities.
Doctrinal Mastery Review 6
Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students deepen their understanding of and explain truths from one or more of the doctrinal mastery passages from the Book of Mormon.
Student preparation: Invite students to review the passages from the chart in this lesson and select one that they would like to better understand. Ask them to read the passage they selected and try to understand it better. This might include searching for other supporting scriptures, writing their thoughts about it in their journal, or asking someone else what they understand from the verse. Invite them to come prepared to share what they did and what they learned.
Images: Images of various games or sporting events
Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider placing students in breakout rooms and inviting each group to work together to create their own “Line upon Line” activity. After sufficient time, have them come back together to share their activities with the rest of the class.