Mosiah 18–24: Overview

“Mosiah 18–24: Overview,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual (2024)

“Mosiah 18–24,” Book of Mormon Teacher Manual

Mosiah 18–24


Alma taught his people by the Waters of Mormon about the covenant we make with God when we are baptized. Meanwhile, having rejected Abinadi, King Noah and his people forfeited blessings of safety and experienced great suffering. Mosiah 21–24 describes the experiences of the people of Limhi and the people of Alma, who both encountered difficult challenges. These groups turned to the Lord for strength and deliverance from captivity.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Mosiah 18

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students better understand the baptismal covenant and how it can influence their relationship with God and others.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to bring a picture or journal entry from the day of their baptism to class. They could also ask others who were there what they remember. Any who have not been baptized could come ready to share thoughts and feelings they experienced while attending a baptism or questions they might have about baptism.

  • Videos:No Cussing Club” (4:56); “Eyes to See” (9:44; watch from time code 4:55 to 6:53); “Dayton’s Legs” (3:02)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Before class, consider inviting students to provide you with a photo taken on the day of their baptism. Display these photos to begin class, and invite students to try to identify whose pictures they are. Then invite students to share memories and feelings from their baptisms.

Doctrinal Mastery: Mosiah 18:8–10

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students memorize the reference and key scripture phrase for Mosiah 18:8–10, explain the doctrine taught in those verses, and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to realistic scenarios using this scripture passage.

  • Student preparation: Consider inviting students to try to memorize the reference and key scripture phrase for Mosiah 18:8–10.

  • Content to display: The key scripture phrase for Mosiah 18:8–10, either written on the board in a scrambled order or written on separate pieces of paper and placed on the board in a scrambled order

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider displaying the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge as headings on a document that students can edit. Invite students to review these principles by typing what they remember about each principle under its heading.

Mosiah 19–20

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students feel a greater desire to hearken to the warnings and teachings of the Lord’s prophets.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think of an example from the scriptures or their own lives that supports the following statement. Encourage them to come to class prepared to share their example. “History has shown that there is safety, peace, prosperity, and happiness in responding to prophetic counsel” (M. Russell Ballard, “His Word Ye Shall Receive,” Ensign, May 2001, 65).

  • Images: Pictures of safety items or equipment; an image of Abinadi before King Noah; the diagram of the journeys between Zarahemla and the land of Nephi

  • Study material: Physical copies of For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (booklet, 2022) for students who cannot access the booklet on an electronic device

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: At the beginning of class, ask students to search their home for an object that is designed to keep them safe. Invite them to show the object to the class.

Mosiah 21–24, Part 1

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students feel increased trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ when they experience trials and afflictions in their lives.

  • Student preparation: Students could be invited to think about a past trial or challenge that helped them experience growth or draw closer to the Lord. Encourage students to come prepared to share what they learned or how this trial may have positively influenced them.

  • Items: A backpack and a few heavy items to put in it

  • Image: The diagram of the journeys between Zarahemla, the land of Nephi, the Waters of Mormon, and the land of Helam

  • Video:The Will of God” (3:02)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: In the section “Why the Lord allows trials,” consider inviting half of the class to study the verses about Limhi’s people and the other half to study the verses about Alma’s people. Use breakout rooms so students can discuss what they learned, and ask each group the follow-up questions.

Mosiah 21–24, Part 2

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students rely on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help them through their trials.

  • Student preparation: Students could talk with a family member about a trial or affliction the family member experienced and ways the Lord strengthened him or her to endure it.

  • Image: The diagram of the journeys between Zarahemla, the land of Nephi, the Waters of Mormon, and the land of Helam

  • Handout:Mosiah 21–24: Strength and Deliverance

  • Video:Feeling the Lord’s Love and Goodness in Trials” (4:18)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: When students have finished filling out the chart, consider using the whiteboard function or sharing your screen with them so they can display their favorite phrases from the scriptures they studied.
